Apple lays nitride coating technology to make future scratch-resistant gadgets



If the back of your iPod or iPod Touch looks like the back of my iPod Touch, you'll probably feel like spending a few hours in a rock tumbler on a diamond background … but if a new Apple patent application is withdrawn, Cupertino may have already planned to launch soon new scratch-resistant coatings on their gadgets.

How does Apple plan to release its products from scratches? Easy: they want to use cheap nitride coatings of only 15 micron thickness on stainless steel housings. According to the patent application, this nitride layer "would allow the user to see the color and texture of the natural surface of the underlying stainless steel", while making it significantly more durable and durable .

It's an inexpensive solution for Apple that would allow Apple to deploy stainless steel as a design material more generously in their gadgets, without worrying about the tendency of this material to capture scratches. An iPod resistant to scratches? This sounds like the innovation that I expected from Apple over the last decade.

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