Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich – has the balance of power changed?


Borussia Dortmund beat Bayern Munich 3-2 earlier this month twice.

For years, Bayern Munich have dominated Borussia Dortmund on and off the pitch.

They have won six straight titles, finishing 25 points or more from Dortmund three times – including last season.

In addition to that, they have chosen some of the star players from Dortmund in the last six seasons.

But now – with a team of talented youngsters – Dortmund is the undefeated leader of the Bundesliga, with Bayern nine points behind him in fifth.

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Click to see the contents: dortmund_bayern

Managers – "Favre did everything Kovac could not do"

Both clubs have appointed new leaders this summer. Dortmund chose Lucien Favre, the former boss of Nice, who previously headed Hertha Berlin and Borussia Monchengladbach in the Bundesliga.

Bayern have selected former defender Niko Kovac, 47, who ran Eintracht Frankfurt. His last trophy as manager was in his last match – against Bayern – in the final of the German Cup last summer.

Kovac lost only three of his 20 games, but he took over a team that had 21 points ahead of anyone last season. Favre has won 14 of his 19 games, losing only once – in the Champions League.

"When it comes to dismantling well-organized defensive teams, you can almost see Bayern players saying to themselves, 'What are we doing here, what's the idea here?' ", Said German football journalist Raphael Honigstein on Football, the daily BBC Radio 5 European daily show.

"That's where Kovac was judged unsatisfactory – it's not a personal problem, but a team that does not quite believe that it can really help them get what they need most.

"This breach of trust, even if it is based solely on technical problems, could be quite impbadable in terms of its long-term future.

"It's so difficult for any coach, especially a player like Kovac, who has never worked with players of this caliber before, a relatively inexperienced coach who has only been successful in Frankfurt the season. last with the German Cup.

"Having a Bayern manager judged in November, match after match, almost daily testifies to the precariousness of the situation – it's not really a sustainable way of doing business."

But Dortmund – who only managed to qualify for the Champions League – last season – is doing a lot better than many people thought.

"Lucien Favre did everything Kovac was not able to do," Honigstein said.

"He improved the team collectively and individually overnight.All players are doing much better than last year.They are undefeated in the interior of the country, they have seven points. go ahead and score for the pleasure. "

A region of Bayern has outperformed Dortmund this season, although only slightly, is part of the Champions League. Both teams are in the last 16 but Bayern is leading his group and unbeaten, with Dortmund second.

Players – "Bayern transition will be very difficult"

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Sancho scores the first goal of the season as Dortmund wins 7-0

The Dortmund team is composed of skilled young people, including regular members Jadon Sancho, Jacob Bruun Larsen, Christian Pulisic, Dan-Axel Zagadou and Achraf Hakim, all aged 20 or younger.

English winger Sancho, 18, scored five goals and added eight more this season. Paco Alcacer, recruited this summer in Barcelona, ​​scored one goal every 52 minutes – 10 goals in 10 games.

Bayern is well documented as needing a redesign. Six members of their regular team are in their thirties, with wingers Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery respectively 34 and 35.

"Of course, when Robben is in a positive mood and has room, and Ribery has plenty of time, they can still do a lot of damage," Honigstein said.

"What Bayern did not foresee is how difficult it would be for Niko Kovac to handle all this in the locker room – to handle the transition with the staff, with the ego."

And the German journalist is not sure that it will be easy enough to improve his team.

"I'm still convinced that Bayern will have a hard time selling to anyone," he said.

"They are trying to buy the pair of Ajax, Matthijs de Ligt and Frenkie de Jong, saying," Come to us, you will improve under this great manager, we have this great team ", all these things do not exist, very difficult."

The conference room – "The electrical structure of Bayern is down"

Bayern has for years been the dominant force in German football.

With the biggest budget – and the best chance of silverware – they signed with Mario Gotze and Robert Lewandowski – free transfers – and Mats Hummels for £ 30m reported in recent seasons in Dortmund.

Dortmund won their last title in 2011-12, the last team apart from Bayern to win the Bundesliga. But times are changing.

"The power structure in Bayern is broken," Honigstein said. "[President] Uli Hoeness and [chief executive] Karl-Heinz Rummenigge are the two responsible. They have always had problems with each other, but they have managed to agree to disagree and find enough ground for understanding.

"But currently, with a very weak sports director, Hasan Salihamidzic and a rather weak manager, there is too much weakness and discord.

"They went from a team that had Matthias Sammer as a sports director and Pep Guardiola as a coach in 2015-16 to a team that has Kovac and Salihamidzic and that lack of authority and Jurisdiction has highlighted some of the other fault lines of the C & # 39; s why they are struggling, not just on the field, but outside.

"Not only did Dortmund do so much better on the pitch, he also seems to have done his homework.They look like the team ahead of the curve.They have learned the lessons from the disaster. last year, they really got stronger, changed the hierarchy, the dynamics, the power structure in the locker room and above.

"They appealed to Sammer as an external consultant and to Sebastian Kehl, the former Dortmund player and from Germany, as Salihamidzic's Dortmund version, but he's doing a great job.

"The idea that they are strategically smarter, smarter and more competent to organize themselves is really Bayern's biggest problem.

"Even when Bayern went bad, he could still boast of having the biggest machine, but now Dortmund has the most intelligent machine."


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