6 Advantages of vinegar + on health: Types, uses and side effects


In the process of making vinegar, alcohol is converted to acetic acid, one of the leading health-promoting compounds, supported by science, which helps to reduce blood sugar levels, reduce the storage of fat and suppress appetite. . This sour and pungent taste that accompanies vinegar, pickles and even leavened bread? It is acetic acid.

"Many studies have linked vinegar consumption to a decrease in blood sugar levels," says Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, dietitian and health coach. "It is thought that acetic acid in vinegar plays an important role in the management of blood sugar because it interacts with enzymes that digest starch."

The fermentation process and the resulting probiotic bacteria in some varieties of vinegar, such as raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar, have also been touted as a beneficial factor, Cording said. It has also been used in medicine and as an antibacterial agent, probably because of its acidity, and some studies have also explored the potential benefits of vinegar as an antioxidant.

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