To fight against climate change, fight against obesity and starvation


Interconnected challenges

The fight against malnutrition will help the world combat climate change, according to a new report from the Commission on Lancet Obesity.

Globally, more than 2 billion people are overweight or obese, while 815 million are undernourished chronically. Meanwhile, climate change is destroying the planet, with more damage to the horizon.

In its report, the Commission states that these three pandemics are inextricably linked into one "global syndrome" and that policies are designed to solve the problem. one of them could help solve the others.

Move to action

The report includes several specific policy suggestions.

If governments invest in public transport, for example, people who can not find work close to home – and therefore can not afford to buy food – may have more work opportunities. . People who use public transit also exercise more than those who drive, which could also contribute to the obesity epidemic while reducing personal vehicle emissions.

Another suggestion is a reduction in subsidies for beef, sugar and other less healthy and environmentally harmful foods, as well as increased investments in healthier, more sustainably grown foods.

According to the report: "The concept of Global Syndemic has the potential to bring together these interrelated challenges under one roof and to move actions and accountability to the next level needed to achieve global health."

READ MORE: According to reports, we must fight against climate change, the epidemics of obesity and starvation[[[[CNN]

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