You do not want to gorge on chocolate after the gym?


Scientists are questioning the impact of synchronizing food choices on your nutrition

Participants were asked to choose a post-workout snack before or after the exercise

The probability of receiving a brownie increased when the choice was made after a workout

If you do not want to threaten your hard work at the gym, choose your post-workout snack before, not after.

Leaving the decision after your workout, you will be more likely to offer chocolate as a reward, say scientists.

One study found that sports fans who decide what to eat before going on the treadmill are less likely to be influenced by chocolate afterwards.

The findings suggest that pre-planning food efforts actually increase the chances of having a more nutritious diet.

Researchers from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, led by Professor Karsten Koehler, asked two groups of participants to follow their normal training schedule.

Before exercise, 137 members of a group decided if they wanted an apple, a brownie or no snack after the exercise session.

The 119 members of the other group were offered the same choice after exercising.

About 74% of participants surveyed before the training session chose an apple, compared to 55% after.

While only 14% of pre-exercise group participants had chosen brownie, approximately 20% of group members after workout decided to let go.

Professor Koehler said, "If your goal is to lose weight, then I would say our findings show that you'd better make the choice … not when you're hungry after your workout, but rather before you go to work. go to the gym. "

The team's recommendations support broader research on the relationship between timing and food choice.

Studies have consistently shown that people are more willing to make immediate dietary decisions when they make dietary decisions than to think about the future, said researcher Christopher Gustafson.

"Our study conformed very closely to the ideas of behavioral economics about this preference. [for unhealthier options], Said Professor Gustafson.

"Using only this model, I would have predicted that people would rather choose a healthy snack before exercise."

The study, published in the journal Nutrients, also raised questions about how exercise can affect appetite.

One theory, known as "compensatory eating," suggests that people consume more calorie-dense foods after exercise to compensate for the loss of calories.

But exercise-induced anorexia suggests that exercise can suppress appetite-related hormones and, as a result, cause people to eat less.

Professor Koehler said, "Many laboratory studies have looked at appetite and hunger.

"Most of these studies showed that just after exercise, you seemed to be less hungry.

"I have always looked at these studies and I was wondering if the impact was so strong that you can use this window after the exercise to say," Because I'm not hungry, I will make a very good choice what I eat "?

"But knowing myself and many other sportsmen, there is also the notion that after your workout, you want to reward yourself."

There was evidence of both theories. The 12% who totally refused a snack before doing their workout increased to 25% in the group after training.

The six percent increase in the choice of brownies between the pre and post exercise groups supported the theory of compensatory feeding.

But the researchers asked questions: did the post-exercise group choose the brownie because of its compensatory diet or impulsive decision?

The team is doing more research to determine how and why people choose their food based on exercise.

Posted in Daily Times, February 3rd 2019.

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