Super Bowl means more pizza deliveries, but also more danger for drivers


RALEIGH, NC (WNCN) – Americans should buy 12.5 million pizzas on Sunday at the Super Bowl.

DeMos Pizza in Raleigh says they deliver twice as many pizzas on Super Bowl Sunday as Sunday ones.

But an increase in deliveries can also mean more dangers for drivers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, pizza delivery is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.

"We are not giving up," said Anthony DeMarco, owner of DeMos Pizza.

The pizza delivery men in Rocky Mount and Roanoke Rapids were stolen under the threat of a gun this month and a Domino driver in South Carolina lost his life after being shot while wounded. he was delivering a pizza last week.

"It's a sad world we live in today," said DeMarco, "Every time you turn around, crazy things happen, so we try to be proactive about security."

"We are trying to let them know you have your head on a pivot," said DeMarco. "Keep your eyes open, look around and I will not let them travel with a lot of money.

CBS 17 accompanied Brockmam Galvraith when he was delivering pizzas. He knows that his job is dangerous, that's why he's wearing a knife.

"It's a bit exaggerated, but just in case," said Galvraith.

DeMos has also stopped accepting cash for deliveries after 11 o'clock each night.

"I saw what it was possible to do there," DeMarco said. "It's not the safest thing to do, you're very vulnerable, you're basically like a sitting duck."

DeMarco happily tells that no driver was attacked, but one of his drivers stole his car on delivery.

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