In anticipation of World Cancer Day (4 February), the World Health Organization is issuing new guidelines on controlling cancer pain to end the unnecessary suffering of millions of people living with the disease.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The World Health Organization reports that there are more than 18 million new cases each year and 9.6 million deaths, most in low- and middle-income countries.
Much progress has been made in treating cancer, but the steps to relieve the excruciating pain felt by patients are unfortunately lagging behind. WHO hopes to address this with its new guidelines on pain management.
The Director of the WHO Department of Non-Communicable Disease Management, Etienne Krug, said that pain control should be an essential part of cancer treatment. However, he says that pain is very often neglected as part of this treatment, a situation he considers unacceptable.
"No one, cancerous or non-cancerous, should live or die in pain in the twenty-first century. We know how to treat pain, "said Krug. We have the medicines to relieve him. It's a matter of making sure everyone has this knowledge and that everyone has access to the necessary treatment. "
According to Krug, the situation is particularly serious in the poorest countries because pain management systems tend not to be in place. But he notes that even in rich countries, people live and die in pain.
According to the WHO, opioid badgesics such as oral morphine are an essential treatment in cases of moderate to severe cancer pain. But Cheriana Varghese, WHO's non-communicator coordinator, said some governments had put in place legal and regulatory barriers to their use in response to the global fear of opioid and morphine addiction.
"When a government of a country wants to introduce opioids, there is always that imminent danger that it will get out of control," Varghese said. "And, therefore, governments are more conservative for this reason."
Varghese says that there are sufficient safeguards against the abuse of opioids and morphine. He says that these painkillers should only be administered by health care providers, doctors and qualified nurses. He adds that oral preparation should be given as much as possible to prevent addiction.
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