A man calls the police because he found onions in his McD Burger; Get Arrested


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Some of us like onions in our burgers and some do not. But some people hate them so much, they call the police if they find them!

Recently, Leslie McDonagh, a 53-year-old man from Manchester, UK, called the police at a McDonald's restaurant because his order wore onions.

The man started threatening the McDonald's restaurant manager and challenging him to fight with him.

When the police arrived and asked him to live, he refused and fell to the ground. He seized the leg of the police officer and refused to let him go.

When he managed to get him out of McDonald's restaurant, he spat on the agent's face.

He was reportedly drunk after drinking six cans of beer when the incident occurred.

His lawyer said:

"One thing that was not clear was that it was not just an argument about the wrong order, the defendant was suffering from severe allergies."

"He specifically asked that something not be in his food and that was the case. That's how it started. "Of course, he now realizes that it was not a police case …"

"His memory of the incident is not complete, but he was very clearly embarrbaded and ashamed … he says he's not a violent man."

The Metropolitan Police reported receiving more than 10,000 unnecessary emergency calls last year. In a similar incident, a man called the police because a KFC outlet had been closed during the day due to the shortage of chickens.

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