2019 cancer hair loss treatment


World Cancer Day, which is held on February 4th each year, is an awareness initiative led by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC). It aims to raise awareness and educate people about cancer to help prevent millions of preventable deaths every year by asking governments and individuals around the world to take action to fight the disease.

The World Cancer Day Declaration, which was developed in 2013, contains nine goals to be achieved by 2025. These goals include universal provision of effective pain management and distress management services. vaccination programs to treat HPV and HBV cancer infections. and improved access to accurate cancer diagnosis, quality multimodal treatment, rehabilitation, support and palliative care services.

The primary goal of the World Cancer Day annual events is to significantly reduce the number of premature deaths from cancer and to improve cancer survival rates and the quality of life of survivors.

Patients on cancer treatment often need support to deal with some of the side effects of anti-cancer drugs. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy are all cancer treatments that can lead to hair loss, a symptom difficult to treat for many patients. However, recently approved medical devices for cooling the scalp could be the solution to this problem.

Treatment against cancerous hair loss 2019

Scalp cooling is a treatment that can prevent hair loss sometimes caused by certain chemotherapy drugs.

Chemotherapy targets all the cells in the body that divide rapidly. Hair is the second most rapidly divided cell, which is why many chemotherapy drugs cause alopecia when hair follicles in the growth phase are attacked.

Patients undergoing scalp cooling should wear a cold cap on their head. The cold cup works by reducing the scalp temperature by a few degrees before, during and after the administration of chemotherapy. The cold temperature on the patient's head reduces blood flow to the hair follicle, which can prevent or minimize hair loss.

The success of scalp cooling depends on many factors, but according to Paxman, several studies have shown that treatment can be effective with a wide range of chemotherapy regimens.

The British scalp cooling specialist, Paxman, recently introduced the latest model of the Paxman scalp cooling system at the 2019 Arab Health Medical Technology Show. Last summer, Paxman received approval from the FDA for an extended indication of its system in the United States. The company hoped that this authorization would help increase the number of patient registrations for systems already installed in the United States.

The Paxman scalp cooling system has been tested and developed over a 25-year period and the company claims it has the highest levels of clinical efficacy, hospital safety and patient comfort.

Dignitana is another company specialized in scalp cooling. The company is known for the DigniCap scalp cooling system, which can also reduce hair loss due to chemotherapy. The device was approved by the FDA in 2015 and the company says that 67% of patients who used its system during a pivotal trial kept their hair.

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