Scientists discover the truth about your gym's gains and muscle memory


Use it or lose it. This is a common saying in today's fitness community.

The message is that if you do not use your muscles, they contract and you lose them. New scientific discoveries, however, indicate that this is not entirely true and that a more precise description would be: "Use it or lose it, until you use it again".

If most exercise psychologists agree that muscle memory is real, it is the study of How These "memories" are stored in the body, which has led scientists to take advantage of the latest benefits of bodybuilding and the use of steroids (not kidding) to prevent the frailty of the elderly.

All this becomes a bit scientific, but support us.

In the past, scientists thought that the concept of "use or lose" meant that the nuclei, the control centers of the cells that build and maintain the muscle fibers, would also be lost because of their inactivity. The latest discoveries of Frontiers in physiology suggest that this is not the case.

Their research revealed that kernels gained during training would persist even when the muscle cells of a body contracted due to lack of use or natural degradation over time. These remaining nuclei – called "myonuclei" – actually encourage faster growth at a faster rate once the muscles are recycled.

Basically, the discovery suggests that humans can "build up" the potential for muscle growth during our adolescence to prevent frailty at a later age. This is a finding that also suggests that athletes who have taken steroids to accelerate their muscle growth in the past may not be detected in the future after stopping. This is because the muscles have already taken into account the extra growth and can be woken up later.

"Anabolic steroids permanently increase the muscular development capacity of users. In this regard, studies show that testosterone mice acquire new myonucleases that persist long after the end of steroid use, "writes the study.

As such, the study even went so far as to conclude that there should be frequent drug tests for competitive athletes as well as definitive life bans for anyone caught taking steroids, given that that these substances can be beneficial to athletes long after they are stopped.

Always eager to know the real science behind that? Continue reading.

The largest cells in the human body are found in muscles that are closely fused together. Syncytium is this particular type of tissue consisting of closely fused cells that act almost as a single cell.

Author of the journal Lawrence Schwartz, who is also a professor of biology at the University of Mbadachusetts, said that "muscle growth is accompanied by the addition of new nuclei from stem cells to help meet the increased demands for synthesis of larger muscle cells. "

"This has led to the hypothesis that a given nucleus controls a defined volume of cytoplasm – so that when a muscle contracts or atrophies as a result of obsolescence or from a disease, the number of myonucleases decreases. "

The latest findings suggest that the muscle syncytium can gain nuclei, but never loses them.

"Two independent studies – one in rodents and the other in insects – have shown that nuclei are not lost due to atrophy of muscle fibers and that they subsist. even after the onset of muscle death, "says the study.

In essence, the study indicates that once a nucleus has been acquired by a muscle fiber, it will likely belong to the muscle syncytium for life.

Schwartz thinks he has a logical answer to that.

"The muscles are damaged during extreme exercise and often have to deal with changes in the availability of food and other environmental factors leading to atrophy (cell degeneration). They will not last very long, giving up their kernels in response to each of these insults. "

Thus, the conclusion that retention of myonucleases in the body can allow muscle size and strength to recover faster even after a period of non-activity. This explains the phenomenon of "muscle memory".

"It is well documented in the field of exercise physiology that it is much easier to regain some level of muscle condition through exercise than to reach it first." place, even though there was a long period of training. In other words, the phrase "use or lose" could be more accurately articulated as "use or lose it until you work on it again". "

The takeaway message is simple. Schwartz's research emphasizes the importance of exercise during our youngest teenage years. During this period, our muscle growth is enhanced by hormones, nutrition, and a healthy amount of stem cells, making it the perfect time for the body to "store" myonucleases for them to be re-activated. at a later age.

Not in your teen anymore? Or. But here's how to keep your muscle mbad starting to deteriorate from 30 years old.

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