Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of psychological depressive disorder that may result from several biological factors, such as hormone disruption and neurotransmitters.
There are a variety of treatment options, ranging from pharmacotherapy to therapy and lifestyle changes. In cases of acute seasonal depression, people experience recurrent major depressive episodes with a seasonal pattern.
These usually start in the fall / winter and end in the spring / summer. A small proportion of people with SAD may not follow the typical pattern and, as such, may experience depressive episodes in the spring / summer and fall / winter transfers.

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Symptoms and causes of TAS
Scientists suspect that people with SAD have problems regulating serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in the balance of mood. In addition, melatonin is a hormone that reacts to darkness and contributes to drowsiness.
Research has suggested that people with SAD may overproduce melatonin. During the fall / winter months, as the days darken, melatonin production increases thereafter. As a result, people with SAD often feel sleepy and lethargic. Some other symptoms of SAD are described below:
- Low mood continues
- Irritability
- Feelings of hopelessness, guilt and uselessness
- Lack of energy
- Sleeping longer than normal and difficulty waking up in the morning
- Weight gain and thirst for carbohydrates
- Marked loss of pleasure from generally enjoyable activities
Treatments for SAD
There is a whole range of treatment options for the TAS. Some of these will need to be prescribed by a health professional, while others are complementary measures that can be included in treatment plans to further improve the symptoms.
Medical treatment
Drug treatments are widely used to treat many psychological depressive disorders, including TAS. Research has shown that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) can be effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. Some researchers believe that the effects of SSRIs, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and light therapy, have a similar ability to relieve symptoms.
Light Therapy
Light therapy (called phototherapy) is a common method of treating TAS and aims to replace the natural light lost during the fall / winter months. As a general rule, patients should be placed about 12-18 inches from a light box (cold white fluorescent light source emitting 10,000 lux) for a period of 30 minutes to two hours per day, at which time the # 39; dawn. Although they must be awake, the individual should not look directly into the light. Only a minimum of light must penetrate their students. Research has shown that this treatment usually improves symptoms after a few weeks. Once interrupted, most patients should relapse. For this reason, it is suggested to use the light box until the individual's period of habitual remission in the spring or summer. Once the remission is complete, it is recommended that people use the light box for less periods or just during the week, as long as this is sufficient to control the symptoms.
The use of light therapy would also be beneficial for relieving the symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder, especially during hypomanic and manic episodes. Most patients experience some side effects from using light therapy for the TAS. Side effects may include headache, nausea, blurred vision and eye strain. It is also important to note that light therapy can not be used with some photosensitizing medications such as antipsychotics and phenothiazine because the light from the light box is about 20 times greater than that of a typical indoor lighting.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Patients with SAD may be advised to take cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to manage their symptoms. CBT aims to address issues that may seem overwhelming and negative by changing the way a person perceives them. A study examining the effects of CBT and light therapy has shown that a combination of both treatments could be the most effective in reducing symptoms. In addition, patients with CBT reported a significant reduction in the number of depressive episodes after winter, compared to light therapy alone.
Vitamin D
Research has shown that low levels of vitamin D are badociated with the onset of depressive disorders such as TAS. In winter, due to lack of sunlight, the skin synthesizes less vitamin D. In order to prevent symptoms, a daily intake of 100,000 IU of vitamin D before the fall / winter months may be prescribed.
Lifestyle measures
In addition to CBT, pharmacotherapy, and light therapy, people with SBD should adapt their lifestyle, for example by increasing the amount of light in their homes, by exercising more frequently and by the way. more time outdoors. Some also recommend a diet high in protein, vegetables and unprocessed foods. Stress relaxation is also a major component of the therapy.
Seasonal affective disorder is a psychological disorder whose severity may vary. Most research suggests a similar level of efficacy for all treatments and it is suggested that the choice between potential treatments be guided by the patient's preferences.
Further reading
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