Your iTunes library may soon receive even more hi-fi, because CNN reports that Apple, alongside other digital music retailers, is trying to involve some publishers of music and improve the sound quality of digital music files.
When an album is recorded, this is usually done in a 24-bit audio format. Before being transmitted to iTunes, however, it is downgraded to 16-bit files. Part of the reason is to support existing hardware, even though most modern Macs, and iTunes itself, can handle 24-bit sound. Your iPhone and iPod Touch, however, can not.
If Apple manages to get music publishers to improve the quality of tracks available for sale via iTunes, you will not be able to take advantage of this change beforehand, unless you use a modern Mac. In addition, if Apple did not improve the hardware of its iPod lineup, you would still have to listen to 16-bit songs, probably through a downgrading process on the fly during synchronization.
It would not be the first time that Apple was significantly improving the quality of its iTunes library. It did the same thing in January 2009, doubling the bitrate and offering for the first time tracks without DRM.
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