Telegram's encryption platform is now 20% more advanced than it was at the end of last year. According to an investor update cited in The Block, it is about 90% complete. The most important part, the Telegram virtual machine, would be finished. "Only minor changes will be necessary," reads in the update for investors. It will process the calculations in the same way as the Ethereum virtual machine.
Telegram completed its first presale round about a year ago, followed by a second round in March. Between the two rounds, $ 1.7 billion was raised. This places high expectations on the platform intended to compete with Ethereum, EOS, Tron and the myriad of other intelligent platforms.
The launch of Testnet is delayed to March
Source: Shutterstock
Although the developers estimate they have increased by 20% since their last update, the launch of the testnet Telegram Open Network has been postponed to March. Investors were already suspecting that the testnet would be delayed because it was originally scheduled for January.
Testnet will play an important role in enabling third-party developers to get an idea of the platform. TON is a highly anticipated cryptocurrency project due to the mbadive use of the central Telegram platform itself. Essentially, a pre-existing user base can be introduced into the cryptography economy via GRAM. If it's not GRAM, other chips will get started using its technology.
GRAM to the list of Asian exchanges in a row
Iran warns citizens against the use of Telegram's cryptocurrency, Gram https://t.co/fDd4BfOcd3
– CCN.com (@CryptoCoinsNews) January 2, 2019
On this note, sources speaking to The Block confirmed that Telegram was actively using GRAM to be used on several cryptographic exchanges outside the door. If this is true, it will mean that the price discovery at the door can begin.
2.2 billion GRAM tokens were sold during pre-sale for a total of $ 1.7 billion. This makes the opening price almost $ 1 per chip. The question is: will the platform, which has 200 million users since the beginning, actually compete with Ethereum? The third-party applications that rely on them are what will determine just as much, and so far we have not heard much about notable parties offering such plans.
GRAM has a total stock of 5 billion chips. Some of them will be owned by the company to finance the development, but many more will eventually arrive on the market.
GRAM will probably start in the top 10 crypto currencies, given the amounts already invested. In fact, a market capitalization of $ 1.7 billion would place it immediately in competition with TRON for 8th place in the cryptographic rankings. The market's enthusiasm for new parts could propel it further down the list. Indeed, it could be quickly ranked # 4 – the current owner of this site, EOS, costs only $ 2.125 billion.
Pavel Durov Image from TechCrunch / Flickr
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