Having breakfast may not help you lose weight: study


Having breakfast may not help you lose weight: study

February 12, 2019 – 2:34 PM AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – A new study published in the British Medical Journal has shown that eating breakfast does not make people lose weight, says Punch.

According to the Cable News Network, the study found that people who eat breakfast regularly consume more calories a day, and those who skip them do not have an increased appetite later in the day.

The researchers noted that those who ate breakfast had no weight loss and those who did not eat in the morning saw no weight gain.

Researchers found that people who ate breakfast had an average of 260 extra calories a day and tended to be heavier.

According to the study, those who skipped breakfast had an average of 0.44 kg less.

Teacher. Flavia Cicuttini, lead author of the study, said, "The findings suggest that breakfast contributes to weight gain by simply increasing caloric intake. Clinical trials have shown that if people are encouraged to have breakfast, they still eat more calories than they should later in the day. "

However, she suggested that the latest results should be interpreted with caution as some of the 13 trials used in the study did not last long and their quality varied.

"I think the key to losing weight is the number of calories you consume. People who always have breakfast should not be dissuaded from it. But overweight people who eat breakfast should be encouraged to count calories consumed in the morning and see how they fit into the rest of their meals throughout the day, "said Cicuttini.

She said the belief that breakfast facilitates food metabolism and leaves less hungry consumers throughout the day has been drawn from previous observational studies, adding that people who eat breakfast probably have other healthy habits.

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