Regular consumption of "ultra-processed" foods increases the risk of premature death | aptitude


While we all love to snack on our pizzas, french fries or fries, a new study in France reveals that the risk of premature death is 14% higher with every 10% increase in the amount of eating.

The study authors wrote in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine that ultra-processed foods are industrially manufactured from multiple ingredients, which typically include additives used for technological and / or cosmetic purposes, reported CNN.

They added, "Ultra-processed foods are mainly consumed as snacks, desserts or ready-to-eat or hot meals," and their consumption "has increased dramatically in recent decades."

This trend could lead to an increase in early deaths from chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, they say. According to the study, in the United States alone, 61% of an adult's total diet comes from ultra-processed foods. In Canada, this figure is about 62%, while in the United Kingdom, this proportion is 63%.

To understand the relationship between ultra-processed foods and the risk of death earlier than expected, the researchers called on 44,551 French adults for two years.

Their average age was 57 and nearly 73% of the participants were women. All provided dietary surveys 24 hours a day, every six months, and completed questionnaires about their health, physical activity and socio-demographic data.

The researchers calculated total food intake and ultra-processed food consumption for each participant and found that it accounted for more than 14% of the total weight of food consumed and about 29% of total calories consumed.

The consumption of ultra-processed foods was badociated with a younger age, lower income, lower education level, living alone, higher BMI and level of education. of lower physical activity.

During the study period, 602 participants died. After adjusting for factors such as smoking, the researchers calculated an badociated risk of premature death higher by 14% for each 10% increase in the proportion of ultra-processed foods consumed.

The authors badume that additives, packaging (chemicals contained in the food during storage) and the treatment itself, including high temperature treatment, may be the factors having a negative effect on the health.

First published: February 13, 2019 at 12:06 IST

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