Razer closes its first year of gaming store


Razer Game Store, which offers opportunities in various Razer games and products, has been closing since this month.

The popular gaming equipment maker Razer has decided to close its digital gaming store in April 2018. The store will close on February 28, 2019, according to an official statement posted on the Razer gaming store.

"It was an honor for us to provide and provide good opportunities for play. We are very fortunate to be part of our great community, and thank you for your support and for making this possible. Razer, who announced that he would continue to sell and sell all games sold under the code Steam or Uplay.


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At the same time, programs rewarded by the company's Razer Gold and Razer Silver companies will continue without any incident being announced. While Epic Games officially beats Steam, Razer will bid farewell to the digital gaming platform market, which will end at the end of the month.

Kaynak : https://www.pcgamer.com/razer-is-shutting-its-digital-game-store-this-month-less-than-a-year-after-it-opened/

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