Woman in cork cuts her finger deliberately after years of chronic pain


A woman in Cork has cut one of her fingers after years of chronic pain.

Meghan Cullen, 25, from Bantry, spoke to Neil Prenderville on RedFM Tuesday morning, about his decision to cut off after years of chronic regional pain at his right index finger.

She had already told Niall that despite the many options for pain relief and muscle relaxants, she could not get any relief from the pain that tormented her.

Meghan injured her finger eight years ago when she caught him in a car door. She said that she had injections that blocked the pain, but they only accentuated the pain.

In a previous interview, Meghan said that she had been looking on Google to amputate a finger in desperation.

"I googled it and everyone said that if you cut it with an ax, you got rid of your finger," she said in 2016.

She tried on that occasion to remove the finger with an ax, but she said that the ax was "not going through the bone" and that she had failed. Last week though, Meghan managed to pull his finger home.

In her speech this morning, she said that she diagnosed a chronic regional pain syndrome, a 24-hour syndrome that affects the nerves and causes constant pain. She had lost sleep and was unable to work full time because of the injury.

She asked health professionals to undergo an amputation, but despite the support of psychologists and counselors, she was denied the surgery. She added that she could not raise the funds needed for elective surgery in the UK. So she decided to remove the finger herself.

Meghan said she had removed the finger herself at home last Friday, but that she would not confirm what she had used to cut him off.

cut finger

Meghan said: "I shouted, I called an ambulance, I threw my finger so that they could not stitch it up."

She says she no longer has any pain since she has amputated the offending figure.

"Well, I have a little, obviously, I've cut my own finger, so it's not painless, but I have not taken any painkillers," he said. she added.

The hospital operated the sore Sunday to sew it and Meghan said she had woken up without the pain that had affected her life for almost ten years.

Meghan says she's now feeling in a "brilliant bubble" after her do-it-yourself operation and that her life is just beginning.

"I have a new life now," she added.

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