A British boy born without a brain lives after he "pushed back"


A British boy born without a brain has become a medical wonder, having survived and his brain "pushed back".

Shelley and Rob Wall were told during pregnancy that their son had only 2% of the brain. They say that it has been strongly advised to terminate their pregnancy five times.

Couples were told that their son would never speak, see, hear, or eat.

Despite the doctors' advice, the Walls decided to continue their pregnancy. Mr. Wall says he thinks many younger parents may not have stayed loyal

"I think that if the young people had that choice, they might have felt obliged to take it," he told Good Morning Britain, of ITV.

"Because we are older parents, we know our own spirit and we are positive people, we wanted to give Noah the chance to live."

Now 6 years old, their son Noah has 80% of his brain, reports Good Morning Britain.

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