Breast surgeons across the country are advising all bad cancer patients to undergo genetic testing for hereditary mutations, fueling intense debate over how these tests should be used to prevent and treat the disease. .
The American Society of Breast Surgeons, which sent its recommendations [February 14] to its 3,400 members, stated that it had developed the recommendation because the current guidelines are too restrictive. "Too many patients develop cancers that could have been prevented or detected earlier if genetic tests had been performed," he said. [bad cancer surgeon] Walton Taylor.
Every year, more than 266,000 new cases of invasive bad cancer are diagnosed in the United States. According to the surgeon's recommendation, almost all of these patients would be tested, as would family members whose families discover they have mutations, Taylor said. The number of people currently being tested is unclear, but experts said it was much less than what the recommendation says. Approximately 40,000 patients die each year from bad cancer.
Genetic tests that cost thousands of dollars are now much cheaper. Some cost hundreds of dollars, depending on the number of genes tested.
Read the full original message: Breast surgeons say genetic testing should be offered to all bad cancer patients
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