Is HIIT the best way to lose weight?


Exercise to lose weight is not very fun. Of course, this is true up to a certain point for all the exercises – you exercise yourself after all – but train to beat one's best time, a rival team, or because that's all you need to do. is a way to reduce stress or countless other reasons are all more fun than sweating to lose weight.

It is not surprising, then, that people want to know the best way to lose weight so that they can get in, out and move on in life.

That is why it is not surprising either that the article "Interval training is the miracle solution for fat loss?" Posted in British Journal Of Sports Medicine has a lot of attention. The authors conducted a meta-badysis of 36 studies including 576 male subjects and 522 female subjects comparing the effects of moderate-intensity continuous training with the high-load version of cardio called high-intensity interval training (HIIT). explosions of explosive exercises, separated by short periods of rest.

Who came out the winner of the fat loss? Well, it was a bit … the same, which does not make headlines.

The study found that the IITIT resulted in a slightly greater fat reduction than continued moderate exercise, but this was because it was a more effective way to burn fat because IHIT sessions were generally shorter. In the study, HIIT sessions averaged 28 minutes, while moderate-intensity workouts lasted an average of 38 minutes.

However, because of the wide variety of HIIT sessions, researchers have found it difficult to describe an archetypal routine, which means that some HIIT routines may not be as effective as others. In addition, the risk of injury caused by HIITs is higher than moderate training and you will need more days off between sessions.

To burn fat, just work at 60% of your maximum heart rate. Moderate activity will put you in a range of 55% to 70%, while HIIT will work around 80%. HIIT offers many other benefits, such as increasing your VO2 max. The authors of this study have argued that this may have the effect of reducing hunger after training, but you will burn fat even if you reach the appropriate heart rate zones. So, if you're wondering if you want to change your running routine to the mad world of boxing jumps, loud music and fitness in the shops, all for the purpose of burning fat, all we can say is: jogging.

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