New focus on the role of dentists in the opioid epidemic – News – Stoneham Sun


UnitedHealthcare launches campaign in Rhode Island to educate dental patients about the dangers of opioids. Surgeons and dentists write about 12% of all opioid prescriptions – and 45% of all opioid prescriptions in adolescents.

PROVIDENCE – The role played by dentists and dentists, who often prescribe opioids for pain relief after removal of wisdom teeth and other procedures, is sometimes overlooked in the opioid epidemic. UnitedHealthcare has launched a new campaign to raise public awareness of this crisis factor and to advise healthcare professionals and patients on addictive drug alternatives to relieve discomfort.

"We want to focus on prevention," said Dr. Ted Wong, head of dental care at UnitedHealthcare, Providence Journal. "We want to treat all potential factors" in the context of an epidemic resulting in an average of 130 people per day in American overdose deaths from opioids, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

With 324 accidental drug overdose deaths in the state in 2017, the last year for which complete data is available, Rhode Island is in the midst of a public health crisis, according to the Department of Health. The balance sheet for 2017 was 92% higher than in 2013, an increase of nearly 40% in just four years.

The state is also home to a major opioid manufacturer, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, in Coventry, a subsidiary of Purdue Pharma, Connecticut, which is the subject of numerous lawsuits, including the Attorney General of Rhode Island. Purdue belongs to members of the billionaire Sackler family.

According to Wong's office, about 5 million Americans get their wisdom teeth removed each year and about 70% of them leave their dentist's office with an opioid prescription. Many are teenagers and young adults whose brains are still developing, which increases the risk that an expected dose for an episode will be addictive.

Wong's office also found that dentists and dentists wrote about 12% of all opioid prescriptions – and 45% of all opioid prescriptions for teens.

Wong, a former head of the US Military Dental Corps, told the Journal that there were alternatives to opioids for the relief of post-operative pain, including some over-the-counter and non-addictive medications. He emphasized the importance for patients – and their families, in the case of children – to discuss options with their dentist or their oral surgeon.

"They should not be afraid to ask questions," said Wong. "They need to talk to their dentist."

And if a patient and the health care professional actually decide that an opioid is needed, as this may be the case after certain procedures, the patient should not feel obligated to use all of the medication. prescription, which can contain several pills.

"You do not have to take all of them," he says.

Remaining drugs must be safely disposed of, such as pharmacies and police stations with programs.

Wong spoke as UnitedHealthcare put in place new national policies and a public service announcement campaign for consumers, including pharmacies, dentists and insurance plan members.

Wong's general advice on drugs to relieve pain?

"Be informed, get involved in decisions, be careful."

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