Microsoft salutes redesigned, more immersive, easy-to-wear glasses


BARCELONA (Reuters) – Microsoft on Sunday unveiled the latest version of its HoloLens augmented reality headset. Promising wearers would feel more immersed in the experience of augmented reality and more at ease.

According to Alex Kipman, Microsoft's developer, dragging on carbon fiber glbades is "as simple as donning your favorite hat," said at an event held at the industry's largest trade show. mobile telephony in Barcelona.

Augmented reality devices superimpose hologram images in the user's real field of view, with the goal of improving the efficiency of businesses ranging from doctors' offices to workshops. .

Microsoft has shown how the HoloLens 2 can track eye movements and allow users to feel able to touch and manipulate holograms: play a hologram piano and change gears on a hologram wind farm setup.

The devices have also been attached to helmets for construction workers.

(Report by Isla Binnie, edited by David Holmes)

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