How many languages ​​can Prince William speak?


Learning a foreign language is part of the royal family's protocol. However, some members of the queen's family speak more fluently than others. Not to mention: a few of them know up to five languages. How many languages ​​can Prince William speak? Find out, as well as the language that he must know before becoming the British heir, to come.

How many languages ​​can Prince William speak?

Prince William
Prince William | PAUL ELLIS / AFP / Getty Images

The future king is quite the linguist. Apparently, Prince William speaks five languages, including English. Take a closer look at his language skills, below.


French is a language mastered by many members of the royal family, including Prince William. According to reports, the future heir to the British throne can speak French fluently.


Africa has a lot of memories for Prince William. It is therefore not surprising that the Duke of Cambridge speaks a little Swahili. The language can be heard in several African countries, including Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania.


As a future Prince of Wales, Prince William must learn enough Welsh to converse with those who speak the language fluently. It is not known how fluent Welsh is, but the Duke of Cambridge can speak the language.

In order to become Prince of Wales, Prince Charles also learned Welsh in his youth. Although he does not speak fluently, he knows enough to cope.


In addition to Welsh, Prince William also knows a little Gaelic. His Royal Highness probably speaks the language – or phrases – during his visits to parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland. Prince Charles can also speak Gaelic.

What languages ​​do other members of the royal family speak?

Prince William is not the only one with impressive language skills. Besides the Duke of Cambridge, several members of the royal family can speak foreign languages ​​and even speak fluently some of them. Here are all the languages ​​spoken by the British Royal Family.


Prince William knows French, but he is not the only one. His great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, is fluent in the language and learned in his youth (his tutor and governess, Marion Crawford, probably taught him). Like his wife, Prince Philip can also speak French, as do their children. Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and Princess Anne all speak French.

Apparently, Meghan Markle also knows a little French, but her mastery is not clear.


German is not the most popular foreign language of the royal family, but Prince Philip speaks it fluently. According to some information, the Duke of Edinburgh grew up speaking this language, one of the languages ​​spoken by members of his family.


Prince George and Princess Charlotte are currently learning the second most spoken language in the world, Spanish in school. In addition, their Spanish speaking nanny, Maria Turrion Borrallo, helps them coach them.


A member of the royal family knows a little Tagalog, the language of the Philippines. During her visit to Edinburgh with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle was heard saying "Salamat Po", which means "thank you" in the foreign language. It is likely that the Duchess of Susbad knows only a few words and expressions in Tagalog.


Some members of the royal family even speak Russian. Prince Michael of Kent and his wife, Princess Michael, both know the foreign language.

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