A man dies of an alleged allergic reaction after a 12-hour hair transplant


A man died of a severe allergic reaction after undergoing a 12-hour hair transplant in India.

The 43-year-old man, locally known as Shrawan Kumar Choudhary, was rushed to hospital after having difficulty breathing and swelling after the procedure.

According to the Times of India, he had not spoken to his family about the Procedure of 500,000 rupees (£ 5,400).

The doctor who performed the transplant told the police that the man had requested 9,000 transplants in one sitting, three times more than the recommended amount. It is not clear whether the doctor has accepted or not.

It was reported that the procedure had started on Friday and that it had ended only at 2:30 the next day, 12 hours later.

The Time of India reports that hair transplants taking more than six hours are "rarely recommended" in the country.

On Saturday, he began to experience breathing difficulties and swelling. He was taken to the hospital, where doctors believe that he suffered anaphylactic shock, a serious allergic reaction that could be fatal.

The doctors fought to save the life of this man, but unfortunately he died.

The police temporarily recorded the death as accidental, but an investigation was opened to better understand the circumstances surrounding his death and determine whether medical negligence was a factor, reports the Independent.

According to a statement from the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Cosmetic Surgeons, such reactions are rare, as only a few transplant patients suffer from respiratory problems.

A spokesperson said: "Patients often try to pressure doctors to cover large areas in one sitting.

"We do not expect more than 2,500 to 3,000 grafts in a single session and we make sure it is completed in six to eight hours.

"Extended and extended time anesthesia can aggravate the problems "

S addressing the Daily Mail, Dr. Kapil Bhargava, consultant dermatologist and spokesman for the British Skin Foundation, said: "This is an exceptional case.

"The cause of death must be investigated to determine whether it is related to the procedure, the medication being given, or some other cause, such as a pre-existing condition exacerbated by the stress of prolonged procedure.

"It is important to remember that all surgical procedures, including cosmetic procedures, involve risks and that new risks may arise during the treatment of complications."

Featured Image Credit: PA

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