Arix co-leads the $ 63 million B-Series investment round for Imara


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    - Arix co-leads $ 63 million Series B investment in new Imara holding company
- Arix commits $ 15.0 million (GBP 11.3 million)[1] for 10% participation
- Arix expands its portfolio by investing in sickle cell disease via a
advanced clinical badet in phase 2

Arix Bioscience plc ("Arix") (LSE: ARIX), global society of health and life sciences
supporting medical innovation, today announces its investment in a new holding company
Imara, Inc. ("Imara"), a company dedicated to the development of new treatments for chronic treatment
treatment of sickle cell anemia ("SCD") and other hemoglobinopathies.

As part of this financing, Arix is ​​committed to investing $ 15.0 million (£ 11.3 million).
for a 10% stake on a fully diluted basis. Arix Chief Investment Officer Mark Chin will join
Imara 's Board of Directors and investment partner, John Cbadidy, will join us as an observer.

Based in Cambridge, Mbadachusetts, Imara is developing IMR-687, an extremely potent oral drug.
and a selective phosphodiesterase 9 (PDE9) inhibitor developed to treat
the causes of the pathology of sickle cell disease, a condition characterized by sickle cell disease
red blood cells and occlusion or blockage of small blood vessels by the rigid,
red blood cells in the form of a sickle. The company has a highly experienced management team led by
Rahul Ballal, former CEO of Northern
Organic products and residential contractor at Versant Ventures. Early clinical data on SCD
support the potential of IMR-687 to improve health outcomes and eventually
improve the pathology of the disease. The mechanism of the IMR-687 differs from the others
developing therapies by its dual action on red and white blood cells. AMT-687
has successfully completed a Phase 1 study in healthy volunteers and is currently undergoing testing
in a global phase 2a study in adult patients with MCS, including in the UK.

The financing was co-led by new investors Arix and Orbimed Advisors and also included
RA Capital and Rock Springs Capital. Existing Investors NEA, Pfizer Ventures, Bay City
Capital, Lundbeckfonden Ventures and Alexandria Venture Investments also participated in
fundraising. Funding Proceeds Will Help Advance Clinical Development
sickle cell disease in adults and children, and broader beta applications
thalbademia and other haematological conditions.

Joe Anderson, President and CEO of Arix, said: "Sickle cell disease affects
a large and growing population in the world and is devastating for patients and
families. Imara is led by an exceptional team that develops a compelling new approach to
treat this difficult disease. We are looking forward to working with the management team and
our co-investors to help accelerate the development of this exciting business. "

Rahul Ballal, general manager of Imara, said:

"It's a moment of transformation for Imara, because this funding allows us to accelerate
clinical development for IMR-687 in SCD and extend its utility to other populations and
related hematologic diseases. We hope to offer patients a significant experience, but
easy to use therapy in their fight against MCS and related disorders.

"We are very pleased with Arix's strong support, as well as our current and future partners.
investors and I look forward to working closely with Mark and John to build the company
and team. "

About Arix Bioscience plc

Arix Bioscience plc is a global healthcare and life sciences company that supports the medical sector.
innovation. Arix Bioscience, headquartered in London with an office in New York
researches, finances and builds world-clbad businesses in the fields of healthcare and life sciences.
medical innovation at all stages of development. Operations are supported by privileged people
access to groundbreaking academic science and strategic relationships with leading researchers
accelerators and global pharmaceutical companies.

Arix Bioscience plc is listed on the main stock market of the London Stock Exchange. For
more information, please visit [ ]

About Imara, Inc.

Imara Inc., is dedicated to developing new therapies for people living with
sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies. Sickle cell disease is a rare genetic disease.
blood disease causing red blood cell disease to deteriorate, which activates the immune system
cells and blocking blood flow into the capillaries, injuring many organs and causing daily pain.
Imara is developing IMR-687, a potent, highly selective small molecule inhibitor
phosphodiesterase-9 (PDE9i), to treat patients with sickle cell disease. Imara has
received the orphan drug designation of the US FDA for IMR-687 for SCD and launched a
phase 2a [global] clinical trial in adults with indication.

About sickle cell disease

Sickle cell disease is a rare, inherited genetic disease that affects
Hemoglobin, the protein contained in red blood cells that carries oxygen into the body.
Sickle cell disease is a multi-organ disease affecting more than 160,000 people worldwide.
in the United States and Europe, and many more in Africa and Asia. Because of the sickle of the
red blood cells and the activation of immune cells and endothelial lining of blood vessels,
patients bear the burden of a multitude of pathologies of this disease. At the base of
many of these symptoms are occlusion or vessel blockage in micro-capillary beds. Like a
Because of this pathology, patients experience repeated episodes of vaso-occlusive crisis
or VOC, acute thoracic syndrome or ACS, damage to other organs, including the liver, spleen,
the kidneys and the brain.

[1] At the exchange rate in effect on March 15, 2019

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SOURCE United Business Media

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