Ghana Receives $ 180 Million From Exim Bank India Bank


Company News of Monday, March 18, 2019



Dr. M Bawumia Main.jpeg Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

The Ghana government has signed a $ 180 million deal with Exim Bank of India to finance various development projects in the country.

This was announced by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of Ghana, who said Monday, March 18, 2019 that the agreements would be signed between the two countries in April 2019.

Dr. Bawumia revealed that this decision was made after contacts with Mr. David Raaquinha, President of the Exim Bank of India, and with John Deere, one of the leaders of TATA Africa Holding (GH) Limited.

Dr. Bawumia, who is currently attending the 14th CII-EXIM Bank Conference on India-Africa Partnership in New Delhi, India, said on her Facebook wall that discussions were finalized. on the agreement between the Government of Ghana and Exim Bank of India for an amount of 150 million US dollars for the purpose of financing the strengthening of mechanization services of agriculture in Ghana and of a facility US $ 30 million financing for the Yendi Water Supply Project ".

Mr. Bawumia had previously called on investors to engage constructively with their African counterparts as governments and peoples of the continent were preparing to take their destiny in their own hands and take their rightful place in the courtesy of nations.

According to Dr. Bawumia, "Africa is on the move; a continent eager to rid itself of past failures due to blind alignments of settlements and the cold war and poor governance According to The Economist Magazine, the new rush to Africa is now led by a new generation of Africans determined to make the difference through technological innovations and the development of companies and markets.

"The Africa we want can only be built by Africans, in partnership with countries and investors who also believe in this paradigm of change."

Dr. Bawumia launched the challenge when he addressed delegates to the Conclave on Sunday.

The Conclave, which lasts three days, focuses on "Partners for Development – Building New Synergies" and brings together more than 500 delegates, including 33 ministers and heads of government from 41 African countries.

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