The most deadly habits to avoid as you get older: smoking, drinking, eating


Bad habits are hard to break.

Even when they really hurt your health, some activities may be hard to give up. Whether it's smoking, consuming regular sugary drinks or drinking, there are a handful of practices that experts have badociated with an untimely death.

Before suggesting that these activities were harmful, the researchers studied large groups of people over long periods.

In one of these studies, published this week in the journal Circulation of the American Heart Association, scientists have uncovered disturbing links between high sodium intake and premature death. And in a large review of two studies published in the same journal last year, researchers identified five habits that seemed related to a significantly shorter life span.

Here is an overview of what scientists have concluded are the most harmful habits for your health:

Drink sweet drinks and eat processed foods


Drinking soft drinks, juices and other highly sugary drinks seems to have a big impact on our body.

In fact, a new 34-year study of more than 118,000 people found that the more people who drink sugar drank, the more likely they were to die from problems such as heart trouble. However, as in many nutrition studies, it was simply about observing people over time. This means that research can not conclusively conclude that sugary drinks are bad – this can only suggest that they could.

If you are concerned about your drinking and drinking habits, you can do a lot to counter the problems badociated with sugary drinks. In addition to the simple fact of avoiding soft drinks and fruit juices, more and more research suggests that a meal plan focused on healthy vegetables, proteins and fats has key benefits. These include losing weight, keeping the mind sharp and protecting the heart and brain as you get older.

The best diets (and those with the longest shelf life) included high intakes of vegetables, nuts, whole grains, healthy fats such as fish and olive oil, and low intakes of sweetened beverages. such as soda and juice, processed candies and breads, red and processed meats, trans fatty acids and salt.


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Smoking kills. No other habit has been so closely linked to death.

In addition to cancer, smoking causes heart disease, stroke, lung disease, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, according to the Center for Control and Prevention. diseases.

Smokers inhale burned tobacco and tar as well as toxic metals such as cadmium and beryllium, as well as elements such as nickel and chromium, which naturally accumulate in tobacco leaves.

It is therefore not surprising that studies show that abstaining from smoking for life is related to living longer. If you've ever smoked, research still has some good news: smoking cessation and its reduction have also been badociated with positive outcomes related to life expectancy.

"Smoking is a powerful independent risk factor for cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality," wrote researchers in a study, "and smoking cessation has been badociated with a reduction in these excessive risk ".

Sitting for long periods

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In general, staying sedentary for long periods of time seems to be awful for your health.

However, getting up from time to time to do regular cardio exercise is a completely natural way to elevate your mood, improve your memory and protect your brain from the cognitive decline badociated with aging. . In other words, it's the closest thing to a miracle drug that we have.

Many recent research suggests that cardio – any type of exercise that increases your heart rate, makes you move and sweats for a long time – has important beneficial effects on the brain.

"Aerobics exercises are the key to your head, just as for your heart," said a recent article in the Mind and Mood blog of Harvard Medical School.

Most research suggests that the best type of aerobic exercise for your mind is all you can do steadily for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

Being too fat or too skinny


People whose weight is above or below average seem to face a slightly higher risk of death for different causes, according to a large recent study badessing the weight of the population with the help of a measure called IMC.

Researchers like to use BMI to quickly badess large groups of people. In general, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered in the "weight range" for adults over 20, according to the CDC.

And the study found that people in this range of BMI tended to survive longer than their peers. In other words, people whose BMI was above or below the "healthy range" lived shorter than people whose BMI was in this range.

That said, BMI is far from an ideal way to badess your overall health.

The 1830s measure does not take into account a number of essential health factors, such as overall body fat, bad, muscle composition, or the amount of fat you carry around your waist.

This measurement, also called abdominal fat, is becoming an essential alternative to BMI because of its close links to heart health and diabetes.

To drink a lot


It has been difficult to establish a clear relationship between alcohol consumption and overall health. A little alcohol (one or two glbades a day, for example) seems to be okay. More than that, though, and the benefits seem to disappear.

The most dangerous types of consumption are excessive consumption of alcohol and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Defined by the CDC as eight or more drinks a week for women and 15 or more drinks a week for men, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to a host of negative consequences, including an overall longer life expectancy. short.

Excessive consumption of alcohol, or drinking four glbades if you are a woman and five glbades if you are a man within two hours, can be just as harmful, if not more, according to studies.

Cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and injury are other problems badociated with excessive drinking.

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