Free Android apps for a limited time


You may be looking for a new music player for your mobile device and even a simple way to create your own stickers. We want to help you with that and a lot more, and that's why we selected free Android apps which are offered in the Play Store.

All the developments we have chosen, we think they offer a very good quality, and solve some user needs with their devices. In addition, we also badessed – besides the fact that they were free – that they offer a broad compatibility with different phones and tablets using the Google operating system.

Warhammer: Total War II, GTA V and much more. Enjoy Steam and SEGA offers!

By the way, the offers are not permanent since the free Android apps that you can see in the list we leave in this article they usually have a cost in the Mountain View store. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to get those you find interesting without expecting too much.

Android Play Store Logo with Purple Background

Free Android apps we recommend this week

These are the developments we have chosen and which we believe it's worth giving them a chance, especially now that it has no cost:

Pro Scanner

This application allows you to easily convert the documents you capture with the terminal camera into JPG images or, failing that, PDF. It offers editing options such as the ability to cut and preview to ensure that what is needed is exactly done. It can be stored locally or shared on the Internet.

Pro Scanner
Pro Scanner

Pro Weather Radar

Check with this development all that relates to the time it will spend in different places, with the help of maps and the forecasts with good accuracy even at seven days. This is one of the free Android apps of the highest quality of all that have been chosen, and the truth is that it is the best of its kind for mobile devices.

Weather Radar Pro Application "width =" 859 "height =" 481 "srcset =" 859w, /uploads/2019/03/Wheather-Pro-300x168.jpg 300w, 768w "sizes =" (maximum width: 859px) 100vw, 859px

Pro Weather Radar
Pro Weather Radar

My scores: dashboard and scanner

This development is particularly useful for the study of music, especially for everything related to scores. You can save those that are used on the mobile device and use them to see them again anywhere, moving at different speeds so that nothing escapes.

My scores: dashboard and scanner
My scores: dashboard and scanner

Pro music player

If the player you have on your mobile device does not convince you, which is not really rare, this free application for Android is a great solution to get good quality. Compatible with all types of files, it stands out above all by the tone editor who integrates and who is very powerful.

Application Pro Music Player "width =" 862 "height =" 481 "srcset =" 862w, app / uploads / 2019/03 / Player-music-300x167.jpg 300w, 768w "sizes =" (maximum width: 862px ) 100vw, 862px

Music player
Music player

Manufacturer of stickers – manufacturer of personal stickers

If you are fed up stickers that you have in your Android, this development allows you to create new ones with the images you have in your terminal. With a simple use but that does not miss all sorts of options, you can use the results in all the applications compatible with this type of content.

Manufacturer of stickers - manufacturer of personal stickers
Manufacturer of stickers - manufacturer of personal stickers

Oscilloscope and HQ spectrum

Oscilloscope and HQ spectrum
Oscilloscope and HQ spectrum

Filter the caller

Filter the caller
Filter the caller

Tech Screen Wallpapers 4K PRO Tech Screen Background

Tech Screen Wallpapers 4K PRO Tech Screen Background
Tech Screen Wallpapers 4K PRO Tech Screen Background

Timestamp – GPS PRO Camera

Timestamp - GPS PRO Camera
Timestamp - GPS PRO Camera

Root Checker Pro

Root Checker Pro
Root Checker Pro

If you want too s & # 39; fun With your terminal, a good option is to review the list of free Android games for a limited time that we have chosen this week, where you have found titles of all kinds.

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