Depoliticizing crime and corruption – NCCE | Social


Mr. John K. Yibile, Sissala East's City Manager, National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), called for the need to depoliticize crime and corruption in order to stop the chancre in Ghanaian society .

He stressed that no political party would survive if the Ghanaian perished under the dissolving action of partisan fanaticism.

Mr. Yibile made this appeal during an anti-corruption awareness campaign among chiefs, students and residents of Taffiasi, in the municipality of Sissala East, in the Upper Region. West.

He emphasized that the best way to fight corruption is to integrate individual interests into the general public – to be aware of the conditions for the survival of every citizen institution and clbad of people through the strengthening and full development of national population as a whole.

He stressed that if Ghana's political leaders were to promulgate and adopt the necessary legislative frameworks, such as the whistle-blower law, the right to information law, the witness protection law and the law, others, citizens, among whom the Ghanaian student, constituted, have a role to play in the fight against corruption.

"As front-line soldiers, your role as students should not only be to refuse to give or receive bribes, but also to denounce by reporting any act of corruption to institutions. anti-corruption such as the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice Aid, the police and the Office of Economic and Organized Crime (EOCO), among others, "accused Mr. Yibile to the students.

"This is important because, throughout history, it is the inaction of those who should have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better and the silence of the voices of justice when it is was the most important has allowed the evil of triumph, "said the NCCE city manager.

Mr Yibile therefore called for a national reorientation badociated with the institutionalization of a national cultural renewal program aimed at strengthening the fight against corruption in Ghanaian society.

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