Type 2 diabetes: avoid symptoms of hyperglycemia with the lawyer


Diabetes is a common disease that affects more than four million people in the UK, and 90% of all cases are caused by type 2 diabetes. The condition could be caused by the body not producing enough of it. insulin, which is necessary to convert blood sugar into usable energy. However, you can reduce your risk of hyperglycemia by making some changes to your daily diet. One of the easiest ways to avoid peak blood sugar is to consume avocado regularly, it was said.

The avocado is one of the best foods for diabetic patients, revealed Dr. Joseph Mercola, doctor.

It is a great food that is also an excellent source of healthy fats and fiber that reduces your chances of suddenly developing high blood sugar.

An easy way to include more avocado in your diet is to use it instead of mayonnaise, he said.

"The good news is that insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes can all be solved through proper nutrition and physical exercise," said Mercola.

"Eating foods containing healthy fats can help increase fullness.

"Fat consumption slows the digestion of carbohydrates, which helps to stabilize blood sugar.

"The avocado is also high in fiber, with a half-fruit containing six to seven grams. Eating high fiber foods can improve weight loss and improve the effectiveness of insulin.

"Lay out the avocado on toast in the morning instead of butter. Use the avocado instead of the mayonnaise in the chicken or egg salad. "

You can also reduce your risk of diabetes by eating more foods containing magnesium, he added.

Not eating enough magnesium increases your chances of insulin resistance because it helps to metabolize carbohydrates and sugar.

Seeds are one of the best sources of magnesium. Sunflower, black sesame and pumpkin seeds could all help prevent diabetes, he said.

There are no foods that diabetics should actively avoid, but it is important to reduce the amount of sugar, fat, and salt in your diet.

It's also crucial to make sure you get enough exercise, the NHS said. Everyone should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity each week.

Many people may already have diabetes without knowing it, because the symptoms do not necessarily hurt you.

Common symptoms of diabetes include blurred vision, extreme thirst and extreme fatigue.

Talk to a doctor if you are worried about the signs of diabetes or if you think you are at risk.

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