Chokosis, Konkombas must see peace


Chokosis, Konkombas must see peace

Chokosis, Konkombas must see peace

Conflicts anywhere do not promote the development and well-being of those affected.

Whatever the form of the conflict, it eliminates any progress or development that may have occurred in the affected areas.

Ghana has had a number of conflicts over the years and we have all witnessed the consequences of these conflicts.

That is why, as a people, we must not only promote peace and harmonious cohabitation, but also seek the well-being of our neighbors.

The Daily Graphic is worried about the resumption of conflict between Chokosis and Konkombas in the Chereponi district in the Northeast region.

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We are particularly disappointed because a committee set up to identify the causes of the Konkomba-Anufor conflict in Chereponi district and parts of the Saboba district submitted its report to the Minister of the Interior on Friday, March 15, 2019. Could study the report and help solve the problems, the conflict has been reignited in the region.

It is already reported that 1,800 people, including women and children, have been displaced in 20 communities as a result of the ongoing conflict.

The Daily Graphic is not only concerned with displacement, but also with the destruction of infrastructure and social, political and economic institutions.

People may not imagine the cost, but the loss of investment and economic revenues, the destruction of health facilities and the money to spend on security agencies to maintain order public, the cost of the conflict is very expensive.

Even more disheartening is the report that some victims have to sleep under the stars because they have neither shelter nor anyone to turn to.

Officials from the district's National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) are struggling to penetrate affected communities to badess the impact of the conflict and provide relief services.

Officials then limited themselves to registering people fleeing the conflict zone.

At a time when a new region, the Northeast, has been designated to spearhead development in the region, the Daily Graphic believes that all actors must be on the bridge to bring lasting peace to the region.

The leaders of the new region can not begin their mandate by focusing on the treatment of conflicts, instead of promoting the development of populations.

The Daily Graphic is therefore appealing to all stakeholders to allow them to recall the factions to order pending the action of the government regarding the Committee P. Acheampong who has just presented his report.

Many youth groups and other parties have given badurances that hostilities will end, but such badurances are only documents.

We should not allow the few beneficiaries of the conflict to withhold the ransom of the people by continuing to sponsor hostilities.

With the creation of the new region, the Daily Graphic encourages young people, often at the center of such conflicts, to redirect their energies to help the region become a haven of peace and progress.

Development can not take place in an atmosphere of conflict or hostilities. This is what the parties must appreciate.

Instead of war-war, we urge them to chew to resolve their differences.

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