Scott Dawson calls on WWE to induct the big names of the team at the Hall of Fame at WrestleMania


Scott Dawson pbadionately pleaded for one of his favorite tag teams to enter the WWE Hall of Fame.

The 34-year-old is half of The Revival, the current team champion in WWE's flagship program, Monday Night Raw.

He and Dash Wilder present themselves as purists of the team fight – respect the rules and improve the rich history produced by the genre of wrestling.

But while they are looking to follow the path of the Doom Legion and the Hart Foundation by becoming one of the best WWE so far, it is this time of year. year where many take a look at the past.

Scott Dawson of The Revival

While the Hall of Fame ceremony will take place at the WrestleMania weekend in New York next month, many names are thrown in the hat as candidates for induction.

Dawson spoke exclusively with Mirror Sport's Matty Paddock this week in a series of interviews covering teams of all types.

We have urged the player from North Carolina to choose his new Hall of Fame Hall of Fame member when it was a team – and the star did not. promptly to return his answer.

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"Oh, man, it's easy," he says. "For me it would be the Midnight Express.

"They drew so much … I think people sometimes forget it because, [looking back at] the days of territory, so much is lost.

"They made a lot of money in teams, with guys like Rock N'Roll Express, Magnum TA and Mr Wrestling 2, and Junkyard Dog and Bill Watts.

"Not only have they had great matches, not only have Jim Cornette provided so many excellent interviews all the time, but they have also raised a lot of money.

Stan Lee, Jim Cornett and Bobby Eaton of Midnight Express interviewed by Jim Ross at WCW

The Midnight Express, run by Cornette for most of his tenure, was born in the early 1980s with Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose and Norvell Austin.

Famous for his achievements in the AWA, JCP and WCW categories, Condrey then teamed up with Bobby Eaton, before Eaton joined Stan Lane.

Dawson continued, "These are the plan and structure of team wrestling and what team wrestling can be as far as earning money and being a huge act that can be overcome.

"That's what Dash and I are trying to do … to prove that team fighting is not just a filler on the map.

"The team fight is something special … it should be, and maybe in the main program of the event."

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