Protesters of the yellow vest banished from the Champs-Élysées


At a press conference on Monday, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that "as early as next Saturday" authorities will ban rallies in the areas most affected by the protests as soon as they will report that extremists "claim to belong". yellow vests "are present.

Philippe has named the Champs-Elysees in Paris, Place Pey-Berland in Bordeaux and Place du Capitole in Toulouse as areas that would be subject to such prohibitions. He said rioters who were not part of the yellow vest movement were responsible for the violence.

"I do not confuse criminals and the majority of yellow vests," he said.

Saturday, 60 people, including 17 policemen and a fireman, were slightly injured the 18th Saturday in a row of yellow vest events, or "yellow vest", in Paris.

Demonstrations escalated and police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Protesters threw stones and raised barricades.

Protesters set fire to a Tarneaud bank branch, a spokesman for Paris firefighters said. Firefighters evacuated the building and extinguished the fire.

"The people involved were not protesters, but rioters (…) whose sole purpose was to loot, burn, destroy and injure.And while burning, they also took the risk of killing," he said. declared Philippe.

The restaurant Fouquet located on the Champs-Elysees in Paris was heavily damaged during the demonstration against the yellow jacket Saturday.

After the violence, Philippe said he had asked for a "reorganization" of the forces of order. Monday, he announced that the chief of the Paris police, Michel Delpuech, would be replaced Wednesday by Didier Lallement.

The protests against the yellow vest began as a campaign against an increase in the tax on gasoline, but have turned into a larger rally against the government of President Emmanuel Macron.

Philippe said the government wanted to protect "the right to demonstrate", citing Saturday's peaceful march for action against climate change.

"Saturday, 140,000 people demonstrated in France and 36,000 in Paris, peacefully, for the climate, we want it to stay that way."

"When a demonstration is declared and pacifist, it will be accompanied by forces of order, nothing will be changed," he said.

"But we are implementing a reinforced strategy against extremist militants," he added.

Vasco Cotovio from CNN contributed to this report.

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