Survey: Americans spent nearly $ 40 billion on drunk purchases last year


  • In the past year, Americans have spent nearly $ 40 billion drunk.
  • That's billion with a B.
  • A shocking amount of this went to the food.
  • People also bought shoes and cigarettes.
  • and Pureprofile found this information by surveying 2,100 adults in February.

Here's a number: In 2018, Americans spent $ 39.4 billion drunk. Like billions with a B. and Pureprofile found this information by surveying 2,100 adults in February. And Americans – or at least those who have been surveyed – tend to shop after drinking, apparently. Here's how it goes.

Most of this money has been spent on food; 52% of those surveyed said they spent their drunk money on take-home meals and drunk snacks.

But it's not just a slice of pizza or an order of fries late at night. Respondents reported buying shoes and clothes (43.22%) and cigarettes (30.26%) under influence.

Read more: Gin drinkers are the biggest drunk consumers of Amazon – but these are not the only ones who should avoid one-click orders

The most scandalous categories? In one way or another, 10% of people said they bought a car … in a state of intoxication. 14% have taken the urge to travel and have booked a complete vacation. There was the man who would have bought a pig, a peabad and a giant salamander in a state of drunkenness. And the couple who was wasted and bought the hotel where they were on honeymoon in Sri Lanka.

According to the survey, drunk people spent an average of about $ 447.57 in 2018, almost double the $ 206 spent in 2017. Total spending on state-of-the-art purchases was $ 447.57. drunk increased by $ 10 billion compared to 2017.

Age also played a role. Millennia (sorry!) Spent the most annually, on average – about $ 1,047. Generation X tracking that spent $ 469 and baby boomers who spent a $ 466 close in 2018. Generation Z was not included in the results because most of them technically have a legal age, drink.

If all these purchases are stressful, do not worry too much. Most things can be returned after all.

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