The WWE duo decided to quit after the latest action by owner Vince McMahon


Kofi Kingston had to deter Big E and Xavier Woods, New Day members, from leaving WWE after Vince McMahon's last actions on SmackDown Live.

Kingston launched a five-man challenge on Tuesday night to seemingly secure its place against WWE Champion Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35 in New York next month.

But on the occasion of the New Day celebrations, McMahon again moved the goal posts, saying that Kingston – who had been fighting for over an hour – had to defeat Bryan to earn his place.

The WWE champion eventually imposed himself in Kingston, destroying his hopes and leaving New Day furious behind the scenes.

Kofi Kingston took on Shamus and Cesaro from Fastlane Bar thanks to Vince McMahon

Filmed in the locker room, their discontent was laid bare.

"Honestly, I'm not even surprised, I'm not even surprised.Of course, Vince brought someone else to fight you because there was no chance for you to win "said Woods.

"No matter, beat five, get five more," said Big E. "Beat these 10, they bring out five more.

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"I tell you, after more than an hour in the Gauntlet, he 's already done it once, he' s done it again, it does not matter, it does not matter. the.

"You're going to drill this glbad ceiling, they're just going to put another one in. It does not matter, what else have we done here, what should we do more here? "

"Every time you get a shot, there's a barrier after obstacle," Woods said. "You put your life on the line, you put your body in play, you put everything in play for 11 years."

This prompted Big E to ask why they stay with the company and Woods responded that they should leave.

"There is no reason," he says. "There is absolutely no reason for that to happen, so in fact, I think we should quit, honestly, if I'm honest, I think we should quit."

Big E approved and said, "We did everything we could here, all we could, Vince McMahon showed it himself, that's all you'll have." C & # 39; ;is all.

"And it's not you, it's not you because you showed everything, you showed how good you are on a weekly basis." This month, for 11 years, you I showed it every night, and that's it. "

New Day celebrates after Kofi wins the challenge match – before McMahon changes the game

But Kingston refused to give in and asked fellow New Day members to stay.

"If we stop, then Vince wins, then Daniel Bryan, we can not stop, not like that, I know the emotions are strong, the emotions are strong right now, I think we just need to take some time and understand. "

Kingston also told Twitter: "I am exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally, and I want to thank you all very much for your support."

The question now is what happens on SmackDown Live next week?

As WWE gets closer to WrestleMania 35, its champion, Daniel Bryan, is still without opponents.

Fans want Kingston to be this man – but McMahon is determined not to let anyone whom he calls "B + player" win the match on the most beautiful of scenes.

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