We need a "global register" of all research on gene editing in humans, according to a panel of the World Health Organization


An influential committee of the World Health Organization has declared the [March 19] It would be "irresponsible" to try to create babies from human embryos modified by genes. The panel called for the creation of an international registry to track all research on the editing of the human genome.

The committee was created as a result of the birth of the first genetically modified babies – fruit of an experiment of a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, who genetically modified human embryos and implanted them in a woman who gave birth to twins last fall.

His actions alarmed other researchers, ethicists, and policy makers, because so little was known about the health and safety effects of modifying the genome of a human embryo. Many fear that technology is misused to create "designer babies" ….

Scientific and medical institutions in the United States and around the world are committed to establishing clear guidelines and a system for monitoring this research.

Scientific journals and funders of this research will be asked to require that everything they publish or fund be listed in the registry, she said. The committee asked W.H.O. to immediately start creating the registry.

Read the original full message: W.H.O. A panel asks for a registry for the editing of human genes

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