Planet 13, the world's largest cannabis entertainment concept, is high speed innovation at its best

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Entry of the planet 13

Planet 13

Planet 13 is a marvel to see, but not for obvious reasons. While it may be the largest cannabis store in the world at 112,000 square feet, the word "store" is by no means the essence of Planet 13.

Planet 13 is so much more than a store. It's already, at breakneck speed, what the retail sector aspires to become. It's not a shop, but rather an "entertainment concept," says Bob Groesbeck, co-CEO of Planet 13, and the largest in the world.

Planet 13 answers the fundamental question that concerns so many retailers at the present time: why continue to shop in physical stores?

In just five years, Groesbeck and his founding team have boldly answered this question, not only of today, but also for the future. The answer is, of course, for the experience and entertainment value.

Despite the cultural acceptance and mountains of government regulations that would make even Sir Edmund Hillary tremble, the founders of Planet 13 have quickly moved from humble beginnings to creating not another mirage in the wilderness, but d & rsquo; A real paradise for the concept of retail entertainment itself.

While many traditional retailers cite excuses for pressures to innovate – for example, the fear of disappointing their current customers, the costly capital required to reorganize old store architectures, the increased cost of engineering talent, and so on. – Planet 13 has doubted all this and has instead considered all its potential obstacles as problems, but as unexploited opportunities.

This is a rocket that is about to take off

Planet 13 is actually the second store of the founding team. Their first store was small, only a 5,000-square-foot store dedicated to medicinal cannabis. But quickly and as regulations changed, the founders realized that the demand for cannabis could far exceed what they could do within the confines of their small footprint.

So, they went bold, or, in other words, they went to Vegas on occasion.

In just a few years (three to be exact), they got a lot about as close as possible to Las Vegas Boulevard, just behind the Las Vegas Fashion Show Mall and a short walk to downtown. the band.

Walk to the planet 13, and it's a sight to behold. The total footprint is about 112,000 square feet, and at the entrance to the building is a giant red globe, not to be outdone by some of the most unique floral sculptures that the world has never seen, even by Vegas standards.

LED Lotus Flowers at Planet 13

Planet 13

Enter the experience and that is of the high clbad. Customers register, show their credentials, and then give them a ticket to badyze the experience. Upon arrival, they are greeted by a helpful "Budtender", whose task is to make customers feel welcome and to demystify the product with instant expertise when needed.

Planet 13 Staff at Entrance

Planet 13

The products are beautifully sold behind showcases, with informative signs and prizes, and even a sensory bar, where customers can experience cannabis in the same way as wine, traveling as a tourist in the Napa Valley.

Planet 13 Salesfloor

Planet 13

The story becomes really interesting while, while Planet 13's footprint is 112,000 square feet, only 40,000 square feet of total space is currently used. Approximately 16,000 square feet are devoted to the retail experience described above, with the remainder of the space being devoted to back office operations.

But it is just today.

Pretty soon, Planet 13 will take the cannabis experience to new heights. Phase II of its expansion plans includes the addition of a new coffee and pizzeria, in the same way a customer-oriented production unit, featuring 115 feet of windows where visitors can watch and learn what goes into creating individual Planet 13 products. The café and pizzeria will occupy an additional 4,500 square feet, and production facilities will occupy an additional 14,000 square feet. It is even planned to start building on a 2,000 square feet of event space accommodating up to 200 people for weddings, corporate events, conferences, etc.

In all, if you score at home, this means that Planet 13 will soon be adding approximately 20,000 square feet to its restaurant, entertainment and event operations, leaving another 50,000 to 60,000 square feet for future development.

What they plan to do next is what everyone guesses, but if you believe the story, the best bet is that it will be bigger, better and more daring than anything been announced to date. It's Vegas after all.

All in all, in just a short time, Planet 13 has gone from a modest start as a 5,000-square-foot store to a state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art cannabis experiment with over 60,000 feet Canvas squares be painted by the brush of innovation.

It took only five years for the founders of Planet 13 to conceptualize something completely new, all fresh. The key ingredients were simply the courage, the pbadion and the entrepreneurial spirit.

There was not, "Let's make our 5,000-foot shop a little different or better." There was no Growth 50 initiatives, do not stick like a sore thumb online pickup tours, and no round pegs in a square hole mashups fitness concepts and grocery concepts with the retail sale of clothing.

There was just a new and daring idea of ​​doing something that no one had ever done before.

Put this in your pipe and smoke it Walmart, Macy's, et al.

The material in this piece was taken from publicly available information and directly from a guided tour of the Planet 13 facilities and one sitting podcast interview Bob Groesbeck, co-CEO of Planet 13, March 5, 2019.

If you want to learn more about cannabis and want to read or listen to the text in depth,& nbsp; interview with Mr. Groesbeck in more detail, you can also find more information about Forbes by clicking here. & nbsp;


Entry of the planet 13

Planet 13

Planet 13 is a marvel to see, but not for obvious reasons. While it may be the largest cannabis store in the world at 112,000 square feet, the word "store" is by no means the essence of Planet 13.

Planet 13 is so much more than a store. It's already, at breakneck speed, what the retail sector aspires to become. It's not a shop, but rather an "entertainment concept," says Bob Groesbeck, co-CEO of Planet 13, and the largest in the world.

Planet 13 answers the fundamental question that concerns so many retailers at the present time: why continue to shop in physical stores?

In just five years, Groesbeck and his founding team have boldly answered this question, not only of today, but also for the future. The answer is, of course, for the experience and entertainment value.

Despite the cultural acceptance and mountains of government regulations that would make even Sir Edmund Hillary tremble, the founders of Planet 13 have quickly moved from humble beginnings to creating not another mirage in the wilderness, but d & rsquo; A real paradise for the concept of retail entertainment itself.

While many traditional retailers cite excuses for pressures to innovate – for example, the fear of disappointing their current customers, the costly capital required to reorganize old store architectures, the increased cost of engineering talent, and so on. – Planet 13 has doubted all this and has instead considered all its potential obstacles as problems, but as unexploited opportunities.

This is a rocket that is about to take off

Planet 13 is actually the second store of the founding team. Their first store was small, only a 5,000-square-foot store dedicated to medicinal cannabis. But quickly and as regulations changed, the founders realized that the demand for cannabis could far exceed what they could do within the confines of their small footprint.

So, they went bold, or, in other words, they went to Vegas on occasion.

In just a few years (three to be exact), they got a lot about as close as possible to Las Vegas Boulevard, just behind the Las Vegas Fashion Show Mall and a short walk to downtown. the band.

Walk to the planet 13, and it's a sight to behold. The total footprint is about 112,000 square feet, and at the entrance to the building is a giant red globe, not to be outdone by some of the most unique floral sculptures that the world has never seen, even by Vegas standards.

LED Lotus Flowers at Planet 13

Planet 13

Enter the experience and that is of the high clbad. Customers register, show their credentials, and then give them a ticket to badyze the experience. Upon arrival, they are greeted by a helpful "Budtender", whose task is to make customers feel welcome and to demystify the product with instant expertise when needed.

Planet 13 Staff at Entrance

Planet 13

The products are beautifully sold behind showcases, with informative signs and prizes, and even a sensory bar, where customers can experience cannabis in the same way as wine, traveling as a tourist in the Napa Valley.

Planet 13 Salesfloor

Planet 13

The story becomes really interesting while, while Planet 13's footprint is 112,000 square feet, only 40,000 square feet of total space is currently used. Approximately 16,000 square feet are devoted to the retail experience described above, with the remainder of the space being devoted to back office operations.

But it is just today.

Pretty soon, Planet 13 will take the cannabis experience to new heights. Phase II of its expansion plans includes the addition of a new café and pizzeria, as well as a customer-centric production center with 115-foot windows, allowing visitors to watch and learn what goes into creating the Planet 13 individual products. The café and pizzeria will occupy an additional 4,500 square feet, and production facilities will occupy an additional 14,000 square feet. It is even planned to start building a 2,000-square-foot event space that can accommodate up to 200 people for weddings, corporate events, conferences, and more.

In all, if you score at home, this means that Planet 13 will soon be adding approximately 20,000 square feet to its restaurant, entertainment and event operations, leaving another 50,000 to 60,000 square feet for future development.

What they plan to do next is what everyone guesses, but if you believe the story, the best bet is that it will be bigger, better and more daring than anything been announced to date. It's Vegas after all.

All in all, in just a short time, Planet 13 has gone from a modest start as a 5,000-square-foot store to a state-of-the-art, state-of-the-art cannabis experiment with over 60,000 feet Canvas squares be painted by the brush of innovation.

It took only five years for the founders of Planet 13 to conceptualize something completely new, all fresh. The key ingredients were simply the courage, the pbadion and the entrepreneurial spirit.

It did not exist: "Let's make our 5,000-foot store look a little different or better. There were no Growth 50 initiatives, no necklaces online, and no round pliers in a mix of fitness and grocery concepts with a retail clothing business.

There was just a new and daring idea of ​​doing something that no one had ever done before.

Put this in your pipe and smoke it Walmart, Macy's, et al.

The material in this publication is based on publicly available information, a guided tour of the Planet 13 facilities and a podcast interview with Bob 13 co-chair Bob Groesbeck on March 5, 2019.

If you want to learn more about cannabis and want to read or listen to the text in depth, interview with Mr. Groesbeck in more detail, you can also find more information about Forbes by clicking here.

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