Autism arrest therapy can seriously harm children, Warns Watchdog


Autism Therapy can seriously stop children, warned a watchdog in the UK. At least 150 therapists have been ordered to stop advertising. Discontinue therapy as treatment because it lacks credibility. ( Colin Dunn | Flickr )

Stopping treatment for autism treatment can be harmful to children and should not be advertised as a cure, warned a watchdog in the UK.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ordered 150 homeopaths or alternative medicine therapists to stop arguing that they can cure autism through Cease therapy, as these claims lack scientific evidence.

Guy Parker, director general of the ASA, told BBC Radio 4 that fake and potentially dangerous treatments were being advertised online by practitioners. He added that the ASA had already traced the line and indicated that homeopaths should not make implicit or direct statements about ads and websites that they could cure autism.

"Those who do not tidy their homes will be subject to new sanctions," Parker said.

What is therapeutic termination for autism?

Discontinuation of treatment, which means "complete elimination of autism spectrum expression," is presented as a method of ridding children of "toxic fingerprints" of vaccines and other substances, which , according to homeopaths, are at the origin of autism.

The therapy itself includes alternative remedies and large amounts of dietary supplements such as vitamin C or zinc. Children receive 200 times more vitamin C and four to five times more zinc than the standards set by the Ministry of Health.

However, despite these claims, ASA pointed out that Cease Therapy was not credible and that advertising against vaccination could have harmful consequences for children's lives.

In fact, an overdose of vitamin C can lead to cramps, diarrhea and vomiting, while too much zinc can cause weakening of the bones and anemia, according to the National Health Service.

Who is qualified to become a therapist?

It is easy to become a Cease treatment practitioner. Parker said that there were only a few obstacles to becoming a Cease therapist and that some courses only lasted five days. Once completed, participants can become qualified to administer Cease treatment "without control," Parker said.

Ceasing treatment was invented by Tinus Smits, a Dutch doctor who died of cancer in 2010. In the same year, Gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield was removed from the medical register after claiming that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine was at the origin of autism.

In March, a study found that there was no link between autism and the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

Autism is not a disease to heal

The advertising watchdog has made it clear that autism is not a disease or a disease to heal. Parker pointed out that claims that Cease treatment can cure children pose a potential danger.

Caroline Povey, director of the autism center at the National Autistic Society, said it's deeply shocking to claim that untested and harmful therapies can "cure" autism and that it's not a problem. it is particularly "appalling" to target vulnerable families.

Povey said that autism lasts a lifetime and that many people feel that their autism is an integral part of their identity. She said the NAS was happy that ASA had taken action against the "false" claims of people peddling a discontinuation of treatment.

Nicola Martin, a professor at London South Bank University, also explained that autism was not an illness.

"On the psychological level, it is very dangerous to give parents the idea that the way to love and feed their autistic child is to try to cure their autism," Martin said.

Colin Dunn | Flickr

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