A blood group-based diet can be the key to a dream body – here's what you should eat


Getting the body of your dreams could be related to your blood type.

The genotypic diet requires you to eat foods that match your genes if you want to keep your balance.

It was developed by diet guru Dr. Peter D'Adamo, who believes that people with the same blood types also have the same type of exercise.

So, what should you eat?

The warrior

Blood group: A or AB

The warriors in their youth are generally skinny, but their bodies slow down at the age of 40.

Undergoing weight gain, slow metabolism and premature aging, they may suffer from fertility problems and diabetes later in life.

Warriors should avoid high GI meat and processed foods such as breakfast cereals, bread and microwave meals.

They should stick to a mainly pesecarian diet, giving up meat but eating fatty fish and high protein foods like tofu.

Regular aerobic exercise – running, walking or swimming – is recommended.

The picker

Blood group: B

Lean grilled chicken is apparently an ideal food for people with blood group B

The picker is more figurative and, like the warrior, predisposed to diabetes in the years to come. They tend to find that their weight fluctuates throughout their lives.

They have to load their plates with lean protein, such as chicken, turkey, eggs and fish.

And they should cut white bread and pasta and do regular and gentle exercises. Walking and swimming are good choices.

L & # 39; teacher

Blood group: A

Teachers are usually strong, nervous and flexible. They are usually of average height, low body weight and high metabolism.

They may suffer from digestive problems, but are built for a long life – as long as they manage to eat healthy.

They should eat a lot of white fish, nuts, rice, pasta and fruits and vegetables, but avoid too much red meat.

Yoga is a great way for them to stay in shape.

The hunter

Blood group: O

Hunters are normally tall and lean, with a prominent jawline.

Their strong metabolism means that they are less likely to be stricken with viruses, but they may be prone to problems with blood sugar levels and allergies.

Hunters feed on chicken and lean red meats, especially beef and lamb. Many leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and spinach, will also help them feel at their best.

Kale is known for its health benefits and has become more popular in recent years

Lentils and kidney beans can limit insulin production, so they are better avoided by hunters.

Like warriors and gatherers, aerobic exercises – running, swimming and walking – are best for this guy.

L & # 39; s browser

Blood group: RhD negative types, such as B- or O-

The explorer usually has broad shoulders and narrow hips and can suffer from food intolerances and hormonal problems.

Foods rich in iron – beans, lentils, tofu, cashews and spinach – are best placed to keep explorers healthy.

They should consume only alcohol and caffeine sparingly and limit processed foods as much as possible.

Cycling is the best way for an explorer to stay in shape.

The nomad

Blood group: B or AB

Dietitians say that oily fish like salmon are perfect for blood groups B or AB

Nomads tend to have extreme body types, so they are either very tall or very short.

They can also have a sensitive digestive system and a weak immune system.

Nomads should eat a lot of fatty fish – think of salmon, mackerel and herring.

Because of their unpredictable gut, they should avoid gluten-rich foods.

Calming exercises, such as tai chi and yoga, are good things to do.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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