End-stage mom who hid cancer reduces tumor by 75% after alternative care


A terminally ill mother – who kept the diagnosis of her cancer secret – shocked doctors after her tumor was reduced by 75% after an alternative treatment in Mexico.

In October 2018, Kate Malvenan's world collapsed after doctors announced that the non-smoker had only six to 24 months to live with a lung cancer diagnosis.

The 40-year-old woman, originally from Kessingland, Suffolk, UK, but now residing on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, said she was still proud to stay healthy in eating nutritious foods and working regularly at the gym – while being a strict non-smoker.

So, when Kate began to feel "a little exhausted" a few months before her cancer diagnosis, she simply blamed the problem on a new, intense fitness regime she had tested.

Kate with her daughter Annabelle

Then, in April of last year, the mother of the unmarried child started coughing blood, which she claims to be her doctor was wrongly diagnosed as bronchitis.

But after starting having chest pains in September, she was sent for a series of scans that revealed a mbadive tumor growing on her lungs.

Kate's worst fears were confirmed a few days later, on October 3, 2018, when her doctor announced the terrible news that the deadly cancer had spread.

The mother was shaken after three different specialists told her that she would be dead in six to 24 months.

But as the only mother of her three-year-old daughter Annabelle, the determined mother knew that she had to do all that was necessary to stay alive.

Kate's tumor shown in an October scan

Another scan barely five months later

After a friend told her about another cancer treatment center called "Hope4Cancer" in Cancun, Mexico, Kate mortgaged her mortgage again and tapped into her savings so to offer the £ 35,000 program (three weeks).

After her first treatment in late October, Kate was surprised to learn that the tumor in her lung had shrunk by 75% – from the size of an apple to that of a grape – while There is now no trace of cancer. in his lymph nodes and limited cancer in his liver.

Kate, owner of her own home store, said, "A few months after 2018, I began to feel helpless. My hips, my lower back, my spine and my shoulders were all painful.

"I was training very hard on a new fitness regime, so I attribute it to that. But we now know that these were the cancerous spots.

"I spit blood twice, but my doctor said it was bronchitis." It was only when I started having chest pains that they decided to do an x-ray.

"The doctor called me after normal working hours and said it sounded like cancer, but he did not know the extent of it and I was told asked to go to the hospital the next day.

Mom traveled to Mexico for treatment

"Realizing that there was something wrong, my parents decided to fly from the UK to be with me.

"I was told that I could not do anything to save my life and that I only had six to 24 months to live.

"That's when my world stopped spinning. I could not understand how I could have a terminal illness when I felt healthy.

"My cancer had spread to the liver, lymphatic system, hips, spine, ribs, and shoulders.

"When all the specialists tell you that you are going to die, you believe it.

"I was prescribed a targeted treatment medication called Alectinib, but I was told that it would only give me a life expectancy of two years and that I had to live much longer than that." .

"Then a friend told me about a cancer clinic in Mexico and all the incredible results that he had seen there.

"I did not have any other choice. I decided that I was going to do it. Two weeks later, I was in Mexico.

Kate in treatment in Mexico

Kate underwent intensive treatment seven hours a day, six days a week, at the clinic in Mexico.

Treatments focused on heat, light and laser treatments, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, total body hypothermia, infrared lamp therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, coffee enemas, saunas and vitamin C IV.

During her treatment, Kate also followed a strict organic herbal diet and continues to follow this diet to this day.

After returning home from her first stay in Mexico in November, Kate underwent a follow-up exam at her local hospital in Australia. The doctors were shocked by the remarkable results, revealing that his tumor had been reduced by 75% without a trace of cancer in January. his lymph nodes.

With such an incredible result, Kate decided to tap into her savings again and return to Mexico in February for a new round of intensive treatments.

Kate said, "One of my doctors told me to go home, drink wine and spend time with my daughter before I pbaded away.

"There was no chance of staying alive. But now, there is hope.

"The doctors said that my results were outstanding and that I did not follow the rules.

"I am very confident that with continued treatment, my cancer will be eradicated 100%."

Kate says her daughter is her motivation to fight the disease

Kate said that she had made the decision not to reveal the cancer diagnosis to her daughter because she thought it was better to protect her from the dark and sad reality of cancer.

She said, "Annabelle has no idea of ​​my cancer. She is too small and does not need to know that I could die.

"I told him I was leaving for a long and boring job in Bali. I had tears in my eyes when I had to leave her. I did not know what I was going for and if I would come back alive.

"Without her, I would not have the motivation or the strength to fight."

Kate refused to create a fundraising page for her, but asked nice donors to support her through her home & housewares store at; http://maisonandmaison.com.au/

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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