Early spring could lead to a pollen season | New


HUNTINGTON – Pollen is a must-have for anyone considering taking a breath or more this spring – a life-threatening nuisance since plant reproduction and human breathing have crossed over the first time.

Like the powdery mechanics, the pollen season has already arrived and a mild winter is officially melting in a mild spring. While the prolonged winter of last year pushed local pollen back up in April, causing a rush of irritants as the trees were trying to make up for lost time, the hottest season of this year does not mean less pollen, explained Meagan Shepherd, allergist / immunologist pediatric department of Marshall Health.

In fact, an early spring often makes the pollen season longer, with trees sprouting earlier this year.

"Whenever you have a mild winter, the trees seem to pollinate earlier, so the season seems longer," Shepherd said. "We have already seen trees begin to bud for a while now, so the season seems to be upon us."

In West Virginia, trees tend to be primarily responsible for the first pollen pollutions, which begin to bloom around mid-March. The herbs cause another wave of pollen, usually in late spring and early summer.

Just as the weather is different in different parts of the country, pollen also arrives much earlier and generally heavier in the south. Because of this, Shepherd warned those traveling south for spring break that these areas are much more advanced in the pollen season than in West Virginia.

Shepherd and other allergists get their reports from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, which has its own certified testing stations in the area.

The nearest active station is in Louisville, Kentucky, but even that is close enough to accurately measure pollen in the area, Shepherd said. It is currently reporting moderate pollen – probably increasing with warmer weather over the next few weeks. The pollen can travel thousands of miles and the Louisville area is downwind, which means everything in it will explode here.

Many private weather services also offer their own projections. The peak pollen season is expected to hit the Ohio Valley and the central Atlantic coastal region in late April, according to AccuWeather forecasts released Thursday.

Although most allergy cases are manageable through a number of treatment methods, Shepherd advised to see a doctor if the symptoms are powerful enough to interfere with sleep or daily life.

Seasonal allergies can sometimes be mistaken for a cold, but itching and longevity, Shepherd explained, are tell-tale signs of allergies as opposed to another disease. Allergies rarely lead to other diseases, although severe congestion can set the table for sinus infection.

Shepherd advises patients taking seasonal allergy medications to start taking them as early as Valentine's Day. Nasal rinses and showering can also eliminate allergens from the body, just like keeping windows and doors closed inside.

Shepherd explained that those who tried to sleep despite allergy symptoms regret it – the feeling is always worse at night. The worsening of symptoms at bedtime is caused by human chronobiology. The natural daily cycle of steroid production of the body, which fights inflammation, is usually at the lowest around 20 hours. at 4 o'clock in the morning

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