The new 5: 2 diet that allows you to eat more but lose weight


If you tried the fasting diet 5: 2 and fought the feeling of hunger both days of fasting, this could be the diet for you. Here's how to eat more without losing weight …

Why 800 calories?

To consume 800 calories instead of 500 and to reap the fruits seems too good to be true, but everything is based on the latest research.

"When I came to the 5: 2 diet, intermittent fasting was a radical idea, but it really resonated," says Dr. Mosley.

"But one thing has become obvious: 800 appears as a" magic "figure in weight loss, according to studies that show that people find it easier to follow them, but that they still benefit from the same weight loss benefits. "

The Fast 800 by Dr. Michael Mosley

The two first weeks

The wisdom of traditional eating tells us that slower weight loss leads to lasting results, but the latest science suggests that this is not the case.

"Rapid weight loss is very motivating," says Dr. Mosley.

"And studies suggest that it's the amount of weight you lose in the first month that predicts the long-term success of losing weight."

For this reason, the new Fast 800 diet recommends 800 weeks of calories a day for two weeks to start losing weight.

It is best to take 2 to 3 healthy meals a day, with a good ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates, rather than relying on shakes and dietary bars.

On fasting days, eat 2-3 meals of healthy food

If you're out of ideas, you can try the Fast 800 Digital Lifestyle program, a 12-week online program (£ 99,

After the first two weeks

You can now move on to five days of normal meals and two days of fasting.

It's up to you to decide when you're fasting, but choose days when you can plan meals and not have social plans that might discourage you.

Some people like to fast several days in a row, but others find it makes them feel hungry.

Whatever you choose, it is wise to avoid alcoholic beverages on days of fasting.

It's a common fear that limiting calories sends your body into starvation mode and damages your metabolism, but Dr. Mosley said:

"More recent studies on intermittent fasting show that the first reaction is that the metabolic rate actually increases."

You can still eat moderate amounts of healthy fat, like the avocado

Days without fasting

Dr. Mosley advocates following an essentially Mediterranean diet on days when there is no fast.

That does not mean stuffing yourself with pasta, but eating lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, fish and fat-based yogurt.

"The more I examine the evidence of a Mediterranean diet, the more convincing it is," he says.

"Research has shown that this style of consumption could reduce the risk of bad cancer by 60%, heart disease by 30% and type 2 diabetes by 50%."

Consume a moderate amount of healthy fats such as cheese, butter, eggs and avocado, but avoid eating too much starchy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.

Give your body a 12-hour break with food is beneficial for your health

It's not what you eat, it's when

Many of us are guilty of grazing, but our digestion continues to digest relentlessly to process what we consume.

There is strong evidence that giving your body a break in food for 12, 14 or even 16 hours a day can bring a host of benefits.

"This gives your body the opportunity to change its priorities from digestion to other important functions, such as" autophagy ", cleaning old cells to make room for new ones," explains Dr. Mosley.

"A prolonged fasting night will also help your body to go from burning sugar to burning fat."

Dr. Michael Mosley has reorganized his 5: 2

The benefits of fasting

The reason many people are turning to the 5: 2 diet is losing weight, but more and more studies suggest that this approach could offer a whole series of additional benefits, such as:

● reduced insulin resistance

● improved brain function

● Reduced risk of certain cancers, heart disease and stroke

● Reduced risk of developing dementia

Fasting can improve brain function

What happens when you fast? Dr. Mosley's lowdown …

"During the first 24 hours of a fast, great changes occur in your body.

"In a few hours, the levels of sugar (glucose) circulating in your blood will begin to drop.

"When it is not replaced by food, your body starts to look for energy in the form of glucose stored in the muscles and the liver, called glycogen.

"Once the glycogen stores begin to diminish (about 10 to 12 hours after your last meal), your body goes into fat burning mode.

This is called "powering the metabolic switch".

"When that happens, fat is released from your fat stores.

"The longer you avoid sugar and reduce your carbohydrate consumption, the more you should be able to maintain this fat burning ketogenic state, so stick to low carb and sugar foods."

– Fast 800 by Michael Mosley has just been published, published by Short Books, £ 8.99. You can also download the audio book to Audible. Get your first book for free with a 30-day trial.

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