A teacher receives painkillers for the headache and discovers that it is a brain tumor


A teacher who suffered atrocious headaches for six months was stunned to be told that he had a brain tumor.

Craig Telfer, 27, was taking paracetamol to relieve his pain when he visited a GP who sent him back with a more powerful medication.

But after traveling to Florida in 2017, he found that the headaches did not fade and that his speech had even begun to be insidious.

Craig Telfer, 27, struggled with horrible headaches (Photo: SWNS)

In December of the same year, he underwent a vision test and discovered that he was losing his peripheral vision, which made him go to A & E where he paid for a brain scan.

There, he was shocked to learn that he had a brain tumor in his left ear, which was exerting pressure on one side of his brain.

"I thought it was sinusitis because the main pain was behind my eye," said the professor, who had continued working throughout his headaches.

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"I thought," Wow, what's going to happen now? "The doctor said they should soon have me operated.

"I try to stay healthy, I do not smoke, and I rarely drink, so it happens to me. This shows that it can happen to anyone. & # 39;

Craig underwent a five-and-a-half day operation a few days later, on January 3, 2018, at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow to remove the tumor.

"After the operation, it took me a few hours to come back. I still had a lot of pain but it was a relief, "he said.

A brain scan revealed the tumor (Photo: SWNS)
After the operation, Craig said that he had lost all his strength (photo: SWNS).

"When I got into surgery, I knew it had to be done. It was just having the fear of waking up and not having the ability to speak or not to have my motor skills.

"But when I saw my family before the operation and shook their hand, I knew everything would be fine."

He was told 10 days later that his tumor was "only a grade 1 cancer" and that he should be cured within one year.

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"They were very lucky to get out and I did not need chemotherapy, I was in the hospital for two weeks, and then I went out," he said.

"It took me about six months to get back to normal. During the first six weeks that I was at home, someone had to be with me in case I had a seizure.

"After the operation, I lost all strength, I could barely open a bottle or cut my food."

Craig is now on a mission to raise awareness and raise funds for brain cancer research and is part of a group of 80 people who have climbed Goatfell Mountain on the Isle of Arran for the account of this charity.

He is currently raising funds for brain cancer research (Photo: SWNS)

He said: "The surgeon stated that I was one step ahead because I was 26 years old and I was young, fit, healthy and in good condition before the operation.

"They said that for an average person in his 40s, it would have taken a year, but for me it was six months. I feel in good shape.

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"I went back to the gym and I lifted weights. I play a lot of golf and I play football with the teachers, but I do not think that I will find the balloon head. "

Craig has set up a JustGiving page and has already raised over £ 3,545 for the Bum Tumor Research Centers of Excellence.

"Yes, I was misdiagnosed by general practitioners and I felt very angry, but I'm trying to raise awareness and look at the positive aspects that flow from it," he said.

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