Kyasanur Forest Disease Kills Wayanad | Kozhikode News


KOZHIKODE: Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) or monkey fever died in Wayanad, marking the first death of KFD in that state after 2015.

Sundaran, 27, a resident of the Begur Tribal Hamlet died Saturday night at the Kozhikode Medical College Hospital. He was admitted to the Mananthavady District Hospital on March 10 with symptoms of the disease and was then referred to the medical college.

"The deceased went to work in a forest yard near Begur where recent monkey deaths have been reported.It is unclear when he contacted the disease from there.We took samples from the ticks collected in the region to discover the source of infection "R Renuka, medical officer of Wayanad District.

She said there had been five confirmed cases of KFD in Wayanad since the beginning of the year, including in Sundaran. Two are currently undergoing treatment at the hospital, while two other confirmed cases have been released after treatment.

"We have increased disease surveillance and preventative measures after the KFD reappearance in Wayanad after a two-year hiatus in January, and people should take precautions before venturing into forests, "she added.

People were also asked not to approach dead monkeys and immediately inform forest and health authorities if they encountered monkey deaths.

Wayanad had witnessed KFD cases for four consecutive years from 2013 to 2016, and the disease cost eleven lives during the largest outbreak in that state in 2015.

KFD is mainly transmitted by infected tick bites (Heamaphysalis spinigera). The epidemics of KFD coincide with the strong nymphal activity of ticks Haemaphysalis spinigera, the main vector of the disease, during the dry months of January to May. The monkeys contract infection with infected tick bites and then act as amplifying hosts, the virus transmitting to other ticks feeding on infected monkeys. In addition, when an infected monkey dies, ticks fall from his body, thus generating outbreaks of infected ticks.

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