Rumors of a rivalry between the Duchess of Cambridge and Rose Hanbury are a storm in a cup of tea


Prince William bears all the characteristics of a satisfied man. At age 36, he no longer carries the emotional baggage that has affected the life of his father, the Prince of Wales, for so many years.

After leaving his RAF pilot position and air ambulance pilot, he became a popular and highly respected member of the royal family.

This hold on the public's affection is due in large part to the charm of his three young children and the happiness he found with his wife Kate.

Yesterday, William was determined to act when extraordinary rumors invaded his family, threatening to disrupt their domestic tranquility. According to reports in the newspapers on Saturday and Sunday, a

Yesterday, William was determined to act when extraordinary rumors invaded his family, threatening to disrupt their domestic tranquility. According to reports in the newspapers of Saturday and Sunday, a "conflict" was open between Kate and her Norfolk neighbor, Rose Hanbury, Marquise de Cholmondeley (left).

That's why yesterday, William was determined to act as an extraordinary rumor enveloping his family, threatening to disrupt their inner tranquility.

Over the weekend, newspaper articles on Saturday and Sunday announced a "break" between Kate and her Norfolk neighbor Rose Hanbury, the Marquise de Cholmondeley.

One story stated that the two women had had a "terrible" argument; Another suggested that Kate wanted her "rural rival" to be banned from their circle, although the words actually used were "phased out".

Meanwhile, William was considered a peacemaker who, because of his own friendship with Rose's aristocratic husband, David (Marquis de) Cholmondeley, wants the two women to get along.

At a time when we are besieged on all sides by a never-ending gloom over Brexit and Britain's place in the world, rumors about the royals might seem quite amusing.

But weekend reports go beyond mere rumors (though minor jeers can themselves cause damage, reducing royalty to a soap opera).

One story stated that the two women had a

One story stated that the two women had had a "terrible" argument; another suggested that Kate wanted her "rural rival" to be banned from their circle, even though the words used were "deleted"

They are the subject of serious headlines and, at the very least, will do the job of republicanism, shining the hearts of anti-monarchists around the world.

For the royal family, dealing with such rumors has long been a difficult puzzle. Ignore them and you risk amplifying them, but if you express yourself, you run the risk of giving legitimacy to what, as we shall see, is almost certainly nothing more than a refrain.

Princess Diana has spent most of the last five years of her life battling the fires of speculative stories about her, often with little success. Since meeting Kate Middleton at the University of St Andrews, Prince William has resolved not to follow in his mother's footsteps.

Instead, he used the law to defend the privacy of his family – for example, when French photographers got photos of Kate sunbathing – and when their reputation was in danger. Inconsistent reports are simply ignored.

But in what category are the stories of the weekend and how does William react?

I am told that the rumors of an argument between these two attractive young women are false. I can also reveal that both parties have considered bringing a lawsuit but, as none of the reports has been able to provide evidence on the subject of the alleged dispute, they have chosen to ignore it.

The weekend reports go beyond mere rumors (although minor jeers can themselves cause damage, reducing the royal to a television soap opera). They are the subject of serious headlines and, at the very least, will do the job of republicanism by shining the hearts of anti-monarchists around the world.

Weekend reports go beyond mere rumors (although minor jokes can themselves cause damage, reducing the feud to the feuilleton). They are the subject of serious headlines and, at the very least, will do the job of republicanism by shining the hearts of anti-monarchists around the world.

In fact, the gossip started to go around at smart dinners at the end of last year. Why everything is always a mystery, but there were some malicious nuances to that.

It has been said that rumors were made to harm Kate. So what's up?

Geography plays a role here. In 2014, William and Kate decided to settle full time at Anmer Hall, the country house near Sandringham, which had been badigned to them by the Queen.

Among the close neighbors was the Marquis de Cholmondeley, 58, who, as Lord Grand Chamberlain, had a unique role in the official opening of Parliament: he was heading back in front of the Queen.

Aesthetist and former filmmaker, Cholmondeley had a group of glamorous girlfriends without showing any sign of wanting to settle. Then, to the surprise of his friends, in 2009, he married Rose Hanbury, a 23-year-old former volunteer model.

They met at an evening at Villa Cetinale, the great Italian home of Lord Lambton, the lost sister of Tory, Marina, the sister of Rose, married to the heir of Lambton, Ned, the Earl of Durham.

In 2014, William and Kate decided to settle full time at Anmer Hall, the country house near Sandringham, given to them by the Queen.

In 2014, William and Kate decided to settle full time at Anmer Hall, the country house near Sandringham, given to them by the Queen.

The beautiful sisters, who have already been photographed in swimsuits with former Prime Minister Tony Blair, have an impeccable pedigree. Their grandmother was Lady Elizabeth Longman, a bridesmaid of the Queen's wedding with Prince Philip.

The home of the Cholmondeleys is at Houghton Hall, a superb Palladian mansion built in the 1720s for British Prime Minister Sir Robert Walpole.

The 106-room stack is just four miles from Anmer and it was quickly reported that the Cholmondeleys and their three children were part of the so-called "turnips", a set of well-born friends of William and Kate with North Norfolk homes.

Among the close neighbors was the Marquis de Cholmondeley, 58, who, as Lord Grand Chamberlain, played a unique role during the official opening of Parliament (photo from 2007): taking a step back in front of the Queen

Among the close neighbors was the Marquis de Cholmondeley, 58, who, as Lord Grand Chamberlain, played a unique role during the official opening of Parliament (photo from 2007): taking a step back in front of the Queen

Members included William and Rosie van Cutsem, Count and Countess of Leicester, resident at Holkham Hall, and James and Laura Meade, godmother to Prince Louis.

A weekend report revealed that the twin sons of Cholmondeleys, Alexander and Oliver, were Prince George 's playmates, despite the four – year gap separating them.

Rose and David were both invited (from the Queen) to William and Kate's wedding in 2011, and three years ago, the royal couple attended a black tie gala at Houghton Hall.

Rose and Kate, respectively, are the protectors and protectors of the East Anglia Children's Hospices charity, and the Duchess attended the Houghton Hall horse show with her children.

William and David would seem to have less in common. The Marquis – French-speaking, piano player and modern art lover – still has the age of his mother.

Men shoot together, but this is normal among landowners in Norfolk.

So, does all this help to create a close friendship? According to an authoritative family source, the two couples only went home three times.

William seems to have little in common with the Marquis - francophone, pianist and modern art lover - who is still the same age as his late mother. Men shoot together, but this is normal among landowners in Norfolk.

William seems to have little in common with the Marquis – francophone, pianist and modern art lover – who is still the same age as his late mother. Men shoot together, but this is normal among landowners in Norfolk.

"They see each other from time to time and appreciate each other," a character close to Rose told me.

"They are not part of the close circle of each other, it is not even a close friendship at a distance."

Nevertheless, languages ​​began to stir. Last week, the Daily Mail reported in its newspaper that there was competition between the Duchess and the Marquise.

However, Sun's Saturday newspaper reported that the "fight" was "much worse than we thought".

A source quoted by the newspaper reportedly said: "They were close but that's no longer the case," William said. He offered to make peace but added, "Kate has made it clear that she does not want to see them anymore and wants William to eliminate them, despite their social status."

At first, William and David laughed at rumors – it was said that they had even reached the ears of the big royal family. But the latest reports have changed the atmosphere.

I understand that rumors say that both men are perplexed and insist that there is no conflict between them and their wives.

A family source told me, "These hurtful fallout rumors are just plain wrong. William and David were in contact during the weekend, not knowing how to laugh or complain. Both wives are hurt by the suggestion that there is no hbadle or even freshness between them. They have plans for future events involving their charity.

"It's a matter of lying around the world before the truth has had time to get up." Another character in the family said, "A baseless murmur and truth has turned into a roar.

William and Kate (photographed at the St. Patrick's Day parade in Hounslow) were not photographed exchanging as much as a crossword in public. Richard Kay understands that William and the Marquis de Cholmondeley are puzzled by the rumors and insist that there is no conflict between them and their wives.

William and Kate (photographed at the St. Patrick's Day parade in Hounslow) were not photographed exchanging as much as a crossword in public. Richard Kay understands that William and the Marquis de Cholmondeley are puzzled by the rumors and insist that there is no conflict between them and their wives.

Both couples laughed when it was carelessly and endlessly discussed, although it was obviously wrong. As more and more people pbaded it on, he took a life of his own and has now become a nuisance and a poison. "

A friend of Rose's family said, "It's become very disturbing now and they're all worried about each other, because they never had to start denying something for which it's neither proof or even a tiny truth. It's just crazy.

"David and Rose went to Sandringham and shot William and Kate, but they went home less than three times each – a flaw!"

For William and Kate, the developments are particularly troubling. They have always been extremely cautious about friendships and have put their trust in them.

They avoided the famous friends that Prince Harry and the Duchess of Susbad seem to like to surround.

No friend of Kate has chatted with gossip magazines like Meghan's in People and Vanity Fair.

As a royal wife and mother, Kate has never set her foot, her family is faithful and discreet. She carries out her official duties with enthusiasm.

She and William have not been photographed exchanging as much as a crossword in public.

But while William never gave in to the kind of "what Meghan wants," Meghan gets hit like Prince Harry did, but he knows how important she is as a mother and future queen.

And if all this unfortunate episode turns out to be a far-fetched attempt to screw up Kate's unwavering stance with the public, he almost certainly turned on him.

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