Green leafy vegetables improve strength and function in the elderly


Eat vegetables, get betterIt's common sense – but common sense relies on a ton of science, including a new Australian survey linking leafy vegetables to increased strength and physical function in the elderly.

Researchers at Edith Cowan University badyzed data from more than 1,400 Western Australians aged 70 and over who participated in a long study on healthy aging.

As part of this study, women described their health and nutrition habits, including their consumption of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and rocket, and underwent tests to measure their fitness. physical.

Their strength was measured by an adhesion test, while their physical function was measured by a timed test: how long it took them to get up from a chair, walk three meters, then stand seated.

The decline in strength and performance scores can predict fragility, disability and premature death.

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The researchers then compared the test results with the foods that the women reported eating regularly. Their badysis is published in the Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle.

According to lead researcher Dr. Marc Sim, a cup of green vegetables a day was badociated with a 2 kg increase in the grip resistance test and a 1.6 second improvement in the timed test.

These benefits may be due to an abundant nutrient in leafy vegetables called inorganic nitrate, which previous research on animals and athletes have badociated with improved muscle function.

The reason why nitrate has these powers has not been confirmed yet, although it is a vasodilator: it widens the blood vessels, potentially improving blood flow to the muscles.

Although research observes a link between leafy vegetable consumption and improved strength and mobility, it can not prove that the first cause directly the last. Sim hopes that future studies can demonstrate this, which will lead to a strengthening of dietary recommendations.

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Eating more leafy vegetables is a good idea for everyone, not just for women over 70 years old.

"In the current Western diet, we do not consume enough vegetables, only 7% of Australians consume five a day," Sim told the coach.

"Therefore, the inclusion of a diverse range of vegetables, including green leafy vegetables rich in nitrates, could have substantial positive effects."

He added that his team's previous research had revealed benefits for the consumption of cruciferous vegetables (think broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage) and allium vegetables (onions, garlic).

"Combining healthy eating with lots of vegetables and fruit into regular physical activity – aerobic and strength – is the key to healthy aging, "concluded Sim.

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