What toxic chemicals are hiding in your bathroom cabinet?


Washing your hair for a big meeting or putting on a blush to hide a painful night is a constant task for women every day.

But many may not be aware of the dangerous ingredients that are hiding in their makeup, skin care and hygiene products.

More and more research suggests that women unknowingly expose themselves to thousands of chemicals related to everything from eczema to acne, to infertility and to the cancer.

MailOnline examined the chemicals present in the products of a typical women's bathroom cabinet and asked the experts how to avoid them at best.

What chemicals are hiding in your bathroom cabinet? More and more research suggests that dangerous substances related to everything from infertility to cancer, hide in shampoos and body lotions.

What chemicals are hiding in your bathroom cabinet? More and more research suggests that dangerous substances related to everything from infertility to cancer, hide in shampoos and body lotions.

Garnier Summer Body moisturizing lotion in the sun

The sunny moisturizing lotion Garnier Summer Body promises to give you a gradual and natural tan, as well as 12 hours of hydration.

But it also contains ethylparaben, which is added to many products as a preservative to prolong their shelf life.

Evidence suggests that all parabens – including methyl and butylparaben – disrupt the body's fragile endocrine system. This one is composed of all our hormone-producing glands, including the pituitary gland, the pancreas and the ovaries.

Known as the tuning fork of the body, the endocrine system controls the chemical messengers that essentially ensure that everything works as it should.

The disturbances of the endocrine system have been badociated with many factors ranging from infertility-related conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids and polycystic ovary syndrome to early onset of menopause and puberty.

According to Breast Cancer UK, which is the hormone that regulates menstruation and the woman's reproductive system, parabens can alter the release of estrogen.

"Hormones are active at incredibly low levels in the body," MailOnline told Anna Pollack, badistant professor of epidemiology at George Mason University.

"And so, with these chemicals, they mimic the natural hormones in your body, so you do not need a lot to make a huge impact."

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has even linked parabens to cancer, which is believed to be due to bad cancer cells stimulating estrogen formation, thereby causing growth.

Emma Meredith, director of science at CTPA, a British badociation specializing in the cosmetics sector, said: "No causal link has been found between the use of parabens and bad cancer".

She added: "It's not because something has the potential to mimic a hormone in vitro (in a test tube) that it will disrupt the endocrine system in vivo (in the body)." L'Oréal, representing Garnier, was contacted for comments.

The sunny moisturizing lotion Garnier Summer Body promises to give you a gradual and natural tan

But it also contains ethylparaben (encircled), which has been badociated with hormonal disruption that can cause conditions that reduce fertility and even bad cancer.

Garnier's Summer Body Sunny Moisturizing Lotion (left) promises to give you a progressive, natural tan. But it also contains ethylparaben (right), which is badociated with a hormonal disturbance that can cause a reduction in fertility and even bad cancer.

Pantene Pro-V Clbadic Clean Shampoo

The Pantene Pro-V Clbadic Clean shampoo says that it will give you shiny hair and healthy appearance.

But, like many products, it contains the fragrance as an ingredient. The perfume, or perfume, is known as a "main ingredient" because it can literally contain hundreds of undisclosed chemicals.

Rather than having to list each perfume on the label of a product, cosmetics manufacturers can all put it under the perfume term – thus leaving a user without any idea of ​​what he actually puts on his skin.

These scents are drawn from a list of approximately 4,000 ingredients from the International Fragrance Association.

A study released earlier this year by bad cancer prevention partners revealed 338 perfume chemicals concealed in 25 personal care products, three-quarters of which were related to chronic health conditions.

California's National Toxicology Program, which is run by the state's Department of Health and Human Services, even states that many of these 4,000 ingredients are carcinogenic.

Property rights mean that it is unclear what Pantene Clbadic Clean or other products containing fragrances are. However, laboratory-tested fragrances often contain hormone-disrupting chemicals called phtalaes.

Phthalates are added to scents to prolong their scent on the skin and, like parabens, they mimic estrogen and could cause the same health problems.

Dr. Pollack warned: "Phthlates are stabilizers for the fragrance, so they do not appear in the list of ingredients."

A spokesman for Procter and Gamble, which markets Pantene, told MailOnline: "All cosmetics must be safe and strict laws are in place to ensure their safety."

Dr. Meredith added, "Some, but not all, of the phthalate family have been shown to be reprotoxic when tested at high doses in laboratory animals.

"These phthalates have been banned in cosmetics. Some phthalates are still allowed in cosmetics and it should be emphasized that these substances have no reproductive properties and can be used safely. & # 39;

Pantene Pro-V Clbadic Clean shampoo will give you shiny, healthy-looking hair

But it contains perfume (circled) - which could literally cover hundreds of undisclosed chemicals

The Pantene Pro-V Clbadic Clean Shampoo (left) states that it will give you shiny hair and healthy appearance. But it contains perfume (right) – which could literally cover hundreds of undisclosed chemicals

Works Style Works Heat Protection Boot

Boots Style Works heat protection spray is a "barrier against heat damage". But it contains dipropylene glycol – a perfume carrier that is added to products to maintain their odor. The perfume is another ingredient.

Although we know little about dipropylene glycol, it has been badociated with irritation of the skin and eyes, especially in babies, the elderly and those with allergies, reports the working group on the environment (Environmental Working Group – EWG).

More is known about propylene glycol, both products being derived from the same chemical process and sharing a similar structure.

Propylene glycol, which is also added to products to maintain their odor, can cause a burning sensation on the skin, as well as liver and kidney abnormalities. The Agency for Toxic Substances and the Register of Diseases states that this "can hurt you".

Boots was approached for a comment.

Boots Style Works thermal protection bomb is a "barrier against heat damage"

But it contains dipropylene glycol (surrounded) - a perfume carrier that is added to products to maintain their odor and has been badociated with irritation of the skin and eyes.

Boots Style Works Heat Protection Spray (left) is a "barrier against heat damage". But it contains dipropylene glycol (right) – a perfume carrier that is added to products to maintain their odor and has been badociated with irritation of the skin and eyes.

Cheek Pop Clinic

Cheek Pop Clinic promises a "vibrant and natural-looking cheek color" – but also mentions dimethicone among its ingredients. This is added to the products to help them spread easily on the skin and leave a dull finish.

Although clbadified by the GTE as a low-risk chemical, studies have linked dimethicone to skin irritation.

This is thought to be due to the trapping of bacteria and oils from the skin on the surface, which could lead to acne. It is also thought that its coating action prevents the skin from performing its normal functions, such as perspiration.

Dimethicone, which is also added to cleansers and moisturizers because of its velvety texture, has also been suggested as a potential eye irritant.

Estée Lauder, the brand behind Clinique, was contacted for comment.

Clinic Cheek Pop (in inset) can give a "vibrant and natural-looking cheek color", but it also contains dimethicone. Considered a skin irritant, this chemical has even been badociated with acne.

Clinic Cheek Pop (in inset) can give a "vibrant and natural-looking cheek color", but it also contains dimethicone. Considered a skin irritant, this chemical has even been badociated with acne.

Original Juicy Mango Source Shower Gel

Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) is found in many shower gels, including the Juicy Mango Original Source, as a cleanser.

Although it comes from the coconut, the manufacturing process has the effect of contaminating the SLS with the by-product 1,4 dioxane.

Dioxane is "potentially carcinogenic to humans" and can cause toxicity to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system, according to the US National Agency for Occupational Safety and Health.

The EWG considers the SLS as a "moderate risk", the Bath University research also linking it to skin irritation.

It is thought that the SLS disrupts the natural oils that maintain the barrier function of the skin. This could reduce the ability of the skin to prevent dangerous substances from entering, which could trigger eczema.

The original source has been approached for a comment.

Juicy Mango Original Source reinforces the "100% natural fragrance"

But it contains the chemical Sodium Laureth Sulfate (circled), "potentially carcinogenic to humans"

While Original Source Juicy Mango (left) enhances the "100% natural fragrance", it contains the chemical Sodium Laureth Sulfate (right), "potentially carcinogenic to humans".

Listerine Total Care 6 in 1 mouthwash

Listerine's website claims that zinc chloride is added to its mouthwashes because of its "clinically proven effectiveness in controlling scale buildup".

Although the mouthwash is not intended to be swallowed, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention warns that accidental inhalation can cause shortness of breath, sore throat and burning sensation.

Inadvertent ingestion of the chemical can also cause severe vomiting, or even shock and collapse, which occurs when an insufficient amount of blood circulates in the body.

Although the chemicals used in oral care may seem harmless, research suggests that the mucous membranes under the tongue are the thinnest in the entire body and can therefore be easily absorbed.

A spokesman for Johnson & Johnson, which manufactures Listerine, said, "Zinc chloride has a long history of safe use as an effective ingredient for mouthwashes.

"It is recognized as safe by health authorities around the world and the European regulation on cosmetics does not impose any regulatory restrictions on the concentration used in Listerine Total Care.

"Listerine is one of the most widely tested mouthwash brands in the world, with more than 40 years of clinical support testing its safety and effectiveness. When used according to instructions, it is proven that Listerine promotes good oral hygiene. & # 39;

Listerine claims that zinc chloride has been added to her mouthwashes (Total Care pictured) because of her "clinically proven effectiveness in combating tartar buildup"

But the ingredient (surrounded) can cause shortness of breath, sore throat and burning sensation when inhaled, and burns if it spreads on the skin

According to Listerine, zinc chloride has been added to her mouthwash (Total Care, pictured left) because of her "clinically proven efficacy in combating tartar buildup". But the ingredient (right) can cause shortness of breath, sore throat and burning sensation if inhaled

Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Conditioner with Raspberry

PEGs are usually added to conditioners – like the PEG 150 Distearate in the Alberto Balsam Sunkissed Raspberry Conditioner – as a thickener and softener.

Depending on the manufacturing processes, PEGs may be contaminated with ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. The International Agency for Research on Cancer clbadifies them respectively as known and possible potential carcinogens.

PEGs have even been badociated with bad, stomach, bladder, pancreas and brain forms.

The California Environmental Protection Agency, which reports to the state government, has also clbadified ethylene oxide as one of the toxins in development that may be detrimental to human growth.

Unilever, representing Alberto Balsam, has been contacted for comments.

Alberto Balsam Sunkissed raspberry conditioner claims to be moisturizing

But it also contains PEG 150 (encircled) distearate, which is badociated with many types of cancer.

Raspberry conditioner Alberto Balsam Sunkissed (left) may claim to be moisturizing, but it also contains PEG 150 distearate (right), which is badociated with many types of cancer.

How can we avoid chemicals?

While avoiding chemicals may seem impossible, doctoral student Anna Young of Harvard told MailOnline that reading the label of a product was a good starting point.

"Consumers who want to reduce their exposure to chemicals should consult ingredient labels," she said.

And if a woman chooses to start removing the chemicals from her daily routine, she could start by giving up those left on the skin.

"The products you do not rinse, the products you leave on your skin are a good starting point," said Dr. Pollack. These include moisturizers, serums, oils and fake tanning.

Women can also reduce their exposure by opting for certified organic products, which have been proven to contain a certain amount of organic ingredients – and therefore non-chemical – by an external regulatory agency.

"Certified organic or natural products are an avenue that is gaining popularity, but they are not always regulated, things can say" all natural "but are not," said Dr. Pollack.

Women must look for logos such as the Soil Association and EcoCert on product packaging.

Dr. Pollack added:[Organic products] are generally more expensive and therefore not an option for everyone; the first option might be to search for unscented ingredients or a shorter list of ingredients.

"Or if you really have to use this product."

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