Trump refers to the return of "evil" enemies on the Mueller report


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Legend of the mediaTrump on the Mueller probe: "We can never let this happen again"

President Donald Trump has declared that his "evil" and "traitors" enemies will be under surveillance after he has been released from collusion with Russia.

Speaking in the Oval Office, he said that no other president should be the subject of an investigation for "a false story".

He spoke a day after the Attorney General released a summary of the full report of special advocate Robert Mueller.

This clears Mr Trump of having conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 US elections.

But the long-awaited report does not prevent Mr. Trump from obstructing justice.

What did President Trump say?

Trump welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House on Monday when a journalist questioned him about the results of the Mueller report.

"There are a lot of people who have done very, very bad things," said Trump. "I would say acts of treason against our country."

"And I hope that people who have done so much harm to our country, we have gone through a period of very bad things.

"These people will certainly be examined, I look at them for a long time.

"And I say," why were not they examined? "They lied to Congress – a lot of them, you know who they are – they" made so many bad things. " things".

Mr. Trump did not name the alleged culprits.

He added: "It was a false story, it was a terrible thing, we can never let that happen to another president, I can tell you, I say it very firmly."

Is President Trump clear??

In his four-page summary released Sunday, Trump's appointed Attorney General, William Barr, wrote: "The special advocate did not find that Americans or Trump campaigners had conspired or knowingly coordinated with Russia ".

But on the question of whether justice was impeded, Mr. Mueller's report states: "Although this report does not conclude to the commission of a crime by the president, it does not exonerate it no more."

Mr Trump is still facing a dozen other investigations.

These include a federal inquiry in New York over possible violations of the election law by the Trump campaign and its companies, and a possible misconduct by Trump's inauguration committee.

The Congress is also pursuing its own investigations, mainly in the democratically controlled House of Representatives.

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