Apple Pay soon on transit systems in major US cities


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Apple announced today that Apple Pay support will soon be available on transit systems in major US cities, allowing users to call their iPhone or Apple Watch to pay for their trip (via TechCrunch).

Although the company did not give much details, it said that transit systems in New York, Chicago and Portland would benefit from Apple Pay support from 2019.

"This is not the first time we have seen Apple Pay gain compatibility with transit. support was put online in Beijing and Shanghai, for example, almost a year ago. However, increasing the number of cities is a good thing, if only because it makes it even easier to understand the transit system when you arrive at a new location. "

Subways and rails in London, Moscow, Tokyo and Guangzhou are already allowing Apple Pay to pay fares. The transit systems in Shanghai and Bejing allow users to add their pre-loaded transit cards to Apple Pay with a service called Express Transit. It is likely that similar features will be provided to users of US subways.

As for Canada … well, the TTC said it has plans for future integration, but who knows when it will actually happen.

You can find out more about how the transit service works on this link.

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