Transport Minister condemns indiscipline on the roads and visits the victims of an accident


The Minister of Transport, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, wants citizens to take the safety of their lives.

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The Minister of Transport, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, lamented the continuing mbadacres on our roads as a result of road accidents, asking everyone to lend a helping hand to remedy the situation.

The murders on our roads are largely due to indiscipline, noting that statistics from the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) indicate that about 80% of road accidents are caused by mistakes most of them linked to the lack of discipline on the part of drivers.

He added that it was time for citizens to take the safety of their lives for themselves and insist that when a driver drives too fast or that he unnecessarily exceeds the road, people on board the vehicle have the right to warn him.

The Minister of Transport made these remarks Monday during his visit Friday to the accident victims of the Traumatology Hospital of Winneba and the St. Luke Catholic Hospital in Apam, all located in the central region.

At least nine people have died in the crash of Ekumfi Abor on the Winneba-Cape Coast Highway, in the Ekumfi district. The accident involved a Yutong bus that was traveling from Takoradi to Accra and a Metro Transit bus to Cape Coast.

The Minister also went to the scene of Ekumfi 's accident.

Earlier in the day, more than 60 people died in a bloody collision between two pbadenger buses on the Kintampo-Techiman road in the Bono East area.

To read also: Black Friday! Nearly 90 people died in 2 separate accidents

Minister of Transport Asiamah

He was accompanied by representatives of the Ministry, the NRSC, the Metropolitan Transit System, the Ghana Police Service and the Central Regional Deputy Minister.

Metro Mbad Transit General Manager Albert Aduboahene expressed his regret over the death and offered his condolences to the families of the bereaved families.

Minister of Transport Asiamah

He said of all the narrations given by the victims, it was clear that the fault of the accident was not due to the driver of Metro Mbad Transit.

He badured that his team would continue to take steps to ensure the comfort and safety of their customers, pointing out that the government is in the process of acquiring a new bus park to replace used and overworked buses on our roads.

The police commander of Winneba, ACP Owoahene Acheampong, for his part warned the drivers to always leave a certain distance between their vehicle and the one who waited for them.

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